22. I Need A Forever Day Off

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After taking a bath that day, Y/n decided to check on Eren at the stables.

The boy was being taught by Isabel on how to properly tie a horse. Y/n watched the interaction much to her not-so-surprised look, the two have some resemblance. You sure you're not related?

When Eren saw her, he waved happily. Y/n took the opportunity to approached the two with a calm demeanour. She wasn't wearing that pure white saintess gown anymore and made herself comfortable with a long sleeved buttoned white blouse tucked in a black  pants and working boots.

Although that was all, one could not hide her bearing. Y/n who stood very elegant in common clothes stood out making one feel that either she is born a noble or a very important person.

This illusion made both Eren and Isabel stay still and watch her approach. Only when she was closer that Isabel was able to blink. "Y/n, you really stand out." She said.

Y/n did not change expression and shrugged. "It's always been like that. No one couldn't keep their eyes off me that it's very troublesome, dear." She replied, exposing her narcissistic thoughts again while flipping or imaginarily flipping her hair from side to side with a nonchalant look.

"Y/n, your humour is great." Isabel praised. "But your face lacks the appropriate expression."

The girl shrugged. "I'm not really like this when I was a child." Y/n has both happy and sad childhood. In her previous world, she is this quirky child who goes wherever whenever and did not give a damn about what flying object will her angrily worried mother might throw at her when found. But those days are fun. Then she spend her early teen here in AOT world. A twelve year old who was abused and was planned to be sold to an old man, ran away from home, became a child labourer and suddenly a saintess.

Well, damn.

"So what were you like when you're a child?"

Y/n thought deep again. "Well a very small crybaby." She replied, in fact, a dark history of her past was beginning to flashback. When she was transported to this world, her every day life in the Callenreese mansion was always full of tears and begging.

"Really. Doesn't seem like you at all." Isabel replied not really putting any deeper meaning to her words. "Right Eren?"

"Y-yes. The saintess looked really cool and dignified." Except when her narcissism strikes. Eren agreed with a respectful look.

Y/n looked at these two beans and aww-ed in her heart. "Eren dear, it seems like your classmates are coming soon. Are you excited?" She asked.

"Well I'm quite nervous." The boy replied. "I want to see them, but at the same time I don't want to see that they joined the scouts somehow."

"Dear, you have a big heart." The woman petted his head lovingly while Isabel slapped his back with a smile.

"Indeed a big heart." She agreed.

The three stilled in the stable and chatted. Mostly about Eren's experiences during Hange's experiment. While Y/n did watch some of it, Erwin restricted her to be so far away that she can not even see it properly.

So instead of wasting her time being kicked in the far corner during experiments, she decided to just spend it on the kitchen or Levi's office to read his not-so-formal reports and corrected them sometimes.

Or there were instances that the church would require her to attend the mass. Just stand there and be the statue to be prayed upon. Y/n hated these moments but did not say anything that would hurt the religious group. She could only keep her cool and patiently waited for the end of the morning mass before leaving.

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