30. It all Started Because I want to Save You

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"I know what's in Eren's basement." Out of the blue, Luke suddenly said while staring at his black tea.

Y/n turned to him as well. "Well I know too."

"You read the manga or watched the anime?" Luke looked up and asked.

"I watched the anime. You?"

"The anime release too."


The two were quiet again and continued to leisure on their tea.

"Y/n, I think you should think about it." Luke suddenly spoke again.

"What of?"

"You're lovey dovey relationship with Levi."

"What of it?"

"If one day, you wake up again in the real world, with us. Not in this place. Will you be like that again?"

"What 'like that' are you talking about?"

"Like that soulless person looking for a way to die."

"I wasn't." Y/n immediately disagreed.

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Really? Don't you dare tell me that those times you were in daze doing extreme sports and looking dead after is not soulless. Mom and dad were so worried you'd die one day. Also, that time you entered the military. You always volunteer when war breaks out. You were such a suicidal piece of shit."

Y/n was silent for a while. But Luke still continued.

"I thinks it's better if you just be honest with him. You're going to suffer this too, you know."

"You really catch me off guard. You say reasonable things at a random times you know." Y/n sighed and sipped her drink.

Luke shrugged. "Because I was thinking about the consequences of your irresponsible actions." he responded.

"Wow. I feel attacked." Y/n really felt flabbergasted. She didn't really know how to react to Luke's sudden wise words. "But now that you've mentioned it, I'm beginning to feel bad too."

"Do you really like him?"

Y/n blinked and turned to him. "Yeah. I do like him more now than in the past." She replied.

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him."

"Don't know. It's still a bit uncertain. But honestly, He's the number one person I've always been wanting to save in this world." She sighed, holding her forehead with a grumble. "I mean, it's all because I watched 'No regrets'."

Luke frowned. Looked at her seriously. "Explain."

Y/n briefly started to tell the very beginning of her journey. Since 'No regrets' episode had a major change when she came into that world, she told him the actual story of the OVA. How Levi grew up in the slums of the underground, how he and his friends managed to get up on the surface and how Isabel and Farlan died during the expedition. Because Y/n came into that world early on, it was her who confronted the titan who killed the squad and fell into a coma.

"So you're saying, if you didn't enter the movie, Isabel and Farlan would have died?" (Recap: So when Y/n came back to her world, the plot changed in their world which having the existence of the character saintess and the survival of Isabel and Farlan.)

"It's an 'OVA'. And yes. If I didn't interfere, that may have been the end result. And shit wouldn't even turn into a movie with me being an important character."

"Damn. Good Job. I'm actually a fan of Farlan." Luke raised his thumbs up.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Anyway. That was the story I last watched and then I woke up here."

Save You (Levi Ackerman X Reader!transmigrator)Where stories live. Discover now