Chapter 29

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"Introducing, Grand Duke and his family," a royal courtier announced, then the Grand Duke's Family and Irene entered the room. Irene was blinded by the amount of the blazing lights, afterwards her vision became clearer.

Shit, this screams expensive, and I thought my room was flashy enough...

However, Irene's smiling face faded as she started walking into the banquet, guests arrived earlier, and greet each other within those 10-15 minutes. Afterward, the Royal Family comes in.

"Oh, Your Excellency, it's great to see you again," a man spoke, Irene then drowned out their conversations by listening to people who were whispering around her.

Irene was prepared for this moment.

Those stares.

Grown women have their fans covering half of their faces while staring at Irene like she is some type of an alien. Men who are just whispering really loud all about Irene. At this point, Irene feels like some art piece as people stare at it or speak of it.

This is exactly what Irene expected.

Oh, how boring.

"So that's the daughter," a man whispered, Irene's ears perked up, "Yeah, I am shocked she even came here, I guess this is her debutante, it's not like the Grand Duke will care enough to give her one," another one spoke, then the men laughed.

"Oh do you think she heard that?" the man beside those two men asked, "Hopefully not, or the little white-head might cry," a woman responded with a laugh.

Irene avoided eye contact and only looked at the conversation the Grand Duke and the mysterious man were having, before they bid farewell, crowds swam towards the family. Greeted the sons, and the Grand Duke.

Irene was just thrown into the crowd.

Desperate men who want money asking how was the Grand Duke's day, and thirsty women who want more asking how was their day.

Irene felt her world spinning.

Wow, they are really trying to drown a kid?!

Trevor then pulled Irene out of the crowd, "This is why once father finishes off a conversation with the Duke of the North, you step back." he spoke.

"Oh, I'm sorry, however, no one informed me," Irene spoke bluntly. "Father told you not to be a distraction." Trevor rolled his eyes, "His Excellency told me a lot of things," Irene responded.

Trevor stared at her, opened his mouth then closed it. He then walked away, Irene thought he probably went to speak with his friends.

"Friends..." Irene whispered to herself really quietly, Irene thought it will be nice if Sasha was here quicker.

"Why you looking so lonely every here," Ralph walked back, Irene stared at him with 'please use your eyes,' face and Ralph looked over.

"Oh yeah...His Excellency is actually quite popular you know, he-MPHM" Ralph's face was stuffed with a cupcake Irene had, they were currently near the desserts table at this moment.

"Please stop talking." Irene looked at the man, who whined as he finished off the cupcake, Irene looked so done.

"Oh Irene, don't listen to them," Ralph spoke, "What they say is bullshit."


"Of course," Irene smiled.

"Who is she standing with?" a curious woman asked, she was about 8 meters away from Irene, "He's quite good-looking, is he in a noble family?" she asked, "That's Sir Ralph, one of the best Knights from the Grand Duke," her friend responded, "Oh how dashing," she said softly.

Ew. Gross.

Irene looked up to the man they were drooling about, he was just staring at the Grand Duke, his admiration for the Grand Duke is unstoppable.

Irene sighed, "Why did you sigh?" he asked, "Are you perhaps tired?" he asked again, "No," Irene said, "Just thinking."

"About what? Whoever your thinking about must be a pain in an ass," Ralph spoke.

Irene hold in her laugh after hearing Ralph insulting himself, "Oh yes, the person sure is, however, they are caring and nice to keep close," she responded. Ralph trembled, "O-oh my god, I feel shivers down my spine," he said.

He just ruined the moment.

Irene smiled at him and walked away, "Wait where are you going?" he asked nervously, "Finding a place to sit, I guess I am tired," she spoke as she yawned. "Stay with the Grand Duke, nothing will happen to me," Irene winked.

"Alright..." he responded as he felt uneasy.

Irene walked towards a comfortable chair, it was nice. Irene ponder on why was the 10-15 minutes is taking too long.

"Oh, why is she here?" a child asked, she seemed to be around Trevor's age, "Hmph, this is the Crown Prince's birthday banquet as his fiancé, of course, she was invited," another girl spoke with jealousy.

Irene's eyes perked wide open, she totally how forgot how popular the Crown Prince was, once a fantasy story always a fantasy story.

Irene was not enjoying this.

She was getting trash-talked by every single age group at this point.

The titles that were thrown at her were immature and annoying, some don't even hide that they are in fact talking crap about her.

Irene gripped the edge of her chair, she wanted to speak and defend herself.

Stay quiet as a mouse.

The Grand Duke's voice rang throughout Irene's ears.

She bit her lip, fine. (If Sasha was here, she would've shut out all those comments, wouldn't she?)

"Introducing their highnesses, the Emperor and Empress," the royal courtier announced, then their highness came out the curtains. "Now introducing, their highnesses, Crown Prince Josiah, and Young Princess Sasha," the courtier shouted.

Everyone's eyes all went and looked at the Royal family, like robots, all of them bowed.

Irene thought if she was up there, it would have been a sight to see the Grand Duke bow to her, she smiled.

"Today, I welcome you here to celebrate my firstborn son's birthday, Enjoy," the Emperor said shortly.

Wow, I expected some long speech.

Irene thought and everyone clapped.

The Emperor and Empress smiled at the crowd and music started playing. Irene was quite impressed with this, the music and everything.

Irene enjoyed some classical music, it was peaceful, she heard laughs and voices. As the white-hair was enjoying her time, she did not notice she was approached by 2 people.

"Oh, Irene!" Sasha ran up and hugged her, "I missed you! Why are you sitting here by yourself? Are you hurt?" Sasha scanned her, "No, I am fine," Irene responded, "Hello," Irene greeted Darius, "Nice to see you again," he spoke.

"It's nice to see guys again," Irene smiled, now she's less lonely.

"Josiah would've greeted you too, however, he has the deal with the adults too," Sasha pointed to a direction.

Irene saw young Josiah talking to the guests smiling, they made eye contact. He beamed and smiled then waved at her. Irene nodded in response.

Now, the whispers around Irene will get louder.

So be it then.

~Author's Note~

I know this is a short chapter, I will try to make my chapters longer. Mal appearance will be in the next chapter btw! It was painful writing this chapter, I was basically watching my baby getting bullied!! ISN'T AMAZING I REACHED 100K VIEWS!!! I will like to think every reader who waited for these chapters, I love the support you guys gave me in this journey, something I will never forget. Thank you.

- ANMU <3

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