Chapter 42

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"Where- EKK," Irene was surprised by the burning wood coming down at her and quickly used Undine's power then Sylph to bring the wood down before it lands on her.

She has to work fast, she is very vulnerable in this situation.

"You are going the hang of it!" Undine said cheerily as Irene blocked every danger coming towards her, "This place feels like the depths of hell," Irene said as sweat fell.

Irene was heading towards the office.

"It's very unlikely for the Count to be anywhere but his office," Irene said, it's most likely but she was still uncertain.

If the Count wasn't in his office, then she has to check his room. Irene's steps quicken as she realized she was nearby.

She watched the house slowly crumble behind her, she had some memories here. Alice is quite pitiful in this situation.


"The Countess and Count are still inside!"


"Madam and Lord are still in the house!"


Irene's heart started to beat wildly as she recalled that the Countess is still here if Alice's parents both die in this situation...

Irene bit her lips trying to avoid and dodge any negative thoughts, the elemental spirits looked at her worriedly.

"Irene, you are still young, you don't need to put yourself through this," Gnomes spoke, Irene raised her eyebrow as she ran through every obstacle.

"Just you know I might look young, but I am an adult," Irene reminded Gnomes about her possession of Irene's body.

"Oh right..."

Surprisingly this is actually better than swordsmanship training...

Irene thought to herself as she recalled horrible events she went through as she trained with Ralph.

"Irene! There!" Undine screamed as they saw the door to the office, "Irene, the fire was started in his office," Salamander said, Irene gulped.

"Do you think the people who set their fire are present here?" Irene asked meekly, Salamander shook their head, "I think they escaped," Irene clicked her tongue, she has dragged herself down into an abyss.

Irene approached the door and streams of water surrounded her body, she controlled the water and stopped the fire around the Count's office door. Irene took deep breaths and opened the door with all her heart.

"Count! Countess!" she screamed with coughs in between, there was way more smoke in his office. Irene felt chills down her spine.

Irene lifted her hand and gathered water to her fist, Irene took a deep breath in as water swirled around her fist, it formed a huge water orb. She let her breath out.

The water orb broke apart as it stopped the fire in the Count's office, Irene can finally see the office as the smoke started to disappear, Irene quickly looked around.

Everything was so burned...

Irene didn't see the Count nor the Countess, instead, she saw a secret passage door, the entrance was all burned to crisp.

This was the first time Irene had seen such a room existing in the Count's office, Irene noticed a novel pulled out a bit. That's probably the key to opening it, how ironic, Irene thought to herself.

Irene prepared herself for the worst.

"The Count and Countess might have gone through the passage and escaped somewhere, maybe they were already found!" Irene started to say as she walked inside the room.

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