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"Crew Public, if you help with the uniting, we will give you a piece of Seoul." Daryl said with confidence. Though, the only responses he received is the snickers of the three Ansan boys.

"What's so funny? Are the Four Major Crews a joke?" He asked feeling insulted they didn't take him seriously.

Jacky was still having Aiden latched on him like a koala. Not that he mind tho. He was so busy staring at Aiden's beautiful features.

Hudson replied to Daryl, "To unite with The Public, there are 3 conditions."

"First, from where we start the crew business, The Public will decide." Hudson put an ashtray on the table in front of him. "Second, we wil take 50% profits." The blonde stacked the second ashtray on top of the first one. Then the third ashtray was added."Third, if we unite the Four Major Crews,..." Hudson suddenly swing his fist down on the stacked ashtrays.


All three ashtrays break along with the table. "We get half of the Seoul."

The loud sound actually startled Aiden. He subconsciously gripped on Jacky's clothes to tightly, planting his face on the other's chest. "Shh... It's okay Aiden. Hudson is not angry, and you are safe with us. We won't hurt you." Jacky cooed to Aiden. He hugged Aiden who was practically on his lap with both arms. One arm supporting his butt, and the other on his back.

Aiden sniffed his snot and rubbed his itchy runny nose, feeling uncomfortable. "Achoo!" Aiden sneezed, making Channing, who was sitting on the opposite side quickly stood up with a bunch of tissues. "Oh kitten. Your fever seems getting worse." Channing kneeled down near Aiden as he felt the burning temperature of the blind boy with his palm.

Aiden's eyes turned misty and glassy, his whole face was bright red, his nose clogged making him breath through his mouth. His body still shivering even he was wrapped in blanket like a burrito. Hudson, Channing and Jacky all swallowed their saliva watching Aiden who somewhat turned sexy and erotic.

"F*ck..." Hudson burried his head in his rough palms. 'Get it together Hudson Ahn! For God's sake, he is sick!' Hudson cursed lowly under his breath.

"Seems like the medicine we gave earlier not really working. Let's take him to the hospital then." Jacky said to the other two. Aiden's hot breath tickling Jacky's neck, making it difficult for the curly head boy to control the tent  in his pants.

Aiden on the other hand, felt his whole body burning, but still feel cold to the point he is shivering in sweat. It was so awful he felt like wanted to throw up.

Aiden didn't know when he lose consciousness, but by the time he woke up, it was already noon. An IV drip was on his wrist. When the doctor arrived to pull out the tube, Aiden swear it hurts like hell. He got to know the hospital bill was settled and since his body was healty again, he was free to go. Aiden's mind was hazy, and he could only remember vividly the new people he met. 'Their names are...Jack? No-Jacky.. Watson? Chan?'

Aiden furrowed his brows trying to recall their voices. Though he cannot remember specifically what had happened, he knew those three treat him good. He was hoping to meet them and express his gratitude for taking care of him.

So at night, after sorting out his works and so on, he go wandering around alone. He remembered he was at a noisy places, most likely around bars or clubs. He try his luck, hoping to bump into Jacky or others.


It was a luxury places where celebrities often went to, and Aiden somehow managed to slipped into the place accidentally without being notice. The guards may be overlooked him as he was so small and silent. Well, guess Aiden just have so much luck.

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