Part 25

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Hi guys, another long wait for an update but I'm sure it's expected at this point. I needed a break from writing after my stay in the hospital, and to be honest I'm still in and out of the hospital frequently for mental health reasons and I apologize in advance if this book ever comes to a stop. Thank you all for the support in my late update though, it really means a lot to me.

Mia's POV

I felt a pull towards Kayden that I didn't understand. It was this connection that I kept feeling towards him. I wanted to trust him and be around him all the time even though I know I should be scared. But he looked so sad right now, almost like he was trying to convince me that he'd never hurt me. And I wanted to believe him too. I breathed in his forest scent and felt my mouth water, impulsively I nuzzled into him and licked his check.

Complete shock came over me and I worried about the consequences of my unexplainable actions. What did I just do?? I lowered my head and took a slight glance at Kayden to see he was just as surprised as I was. I hope he doesn't get mad at me. I let out a whimper hoping an apology will justify for what I did.

Instead I saw his tail begin to wag as he went down on his forelegs, showing a sign of play and excitement? I was just glad he wasn't upset. My heart swelled at how goofy he looked. His wolf was a lot larger and more intimidating than mine of course, so his display was unexpected especially for an Alpha.

He let out an odd high pitched yelp while he ran a couple meters away before halting and looking back at me. He tilted his head and stuck his noes in the direction ahead of him. Clearly asking me to follow. Maybe we were actually going for a run? I followed nonetheless as we ran at a slow pace, more considered a jog. But it felt nice with my newfound strength and energy I seemed to have gained. My body didn't ache like it used to or protest the movements I made.

I watched the trees whisp by and blur into white snow and bark. The addictive feeling of air that flowed through my fur made up for the windless day. I opened my mouth slightly to allow the scents around me to hit my tongue, catching Kayden's scent again mixed in the the nature around us. It was intoxicating, I felt like I could go on for hours.

I felt at peace in my paws for once. Not begging the earth to numb my feet and pain, but truly feeling one with nature as we coexisted freely. This was happiness. Running alongside nature without fear, and beside the wolf who I felt a desirable pull towards. It felt right, like nothing could beat this moment. Not even the time I spent with Lily and Nate, or when I first stepped out the doors earlier and felt the suffocation melt off. This was freedom.

Kayden would often look back at me probably to make sure I was still following behind him and not running away. After a few more minutes he glanced at me again before quickly slowing down his pace and eventually we came to a stop. I felt a bit out of breath but still wanted to continue running. I wasn't sure why we stopped so I tilted my head to him in question, hoping it was an ok gesture.

He walked over to me and I got nervous, ducking my head down a bit. He nuzzled his head into my fur quickly before sniffing at my leg which had been previously broken. After he brought my attention to it, I realized the soreness that the adrenaline had hid. I must have been limping again, too stuck in my mind to notice.

I put pressure on my leg that he was currently still sniffing at and it felt fine to me. Just a little sore was all. I tried to show him I was ok but he shook his head and nudged me to lay down. Kayden walked over to a tree a few feet away from me and lay down as well. Though I'd rather have continued running, even if the rest felt nice. This wasn't something I was ever allowed to do.

I looked to Kayden's wolf. His fur looked soft and shiny unlike mine which was patchy and had bald spots from the matts they must have shaved off. I wondered if when my fur grew out if it would be as nice as his. I couldn't help but smile at the thought even if it was unrealistic. I'd be going home sooner or later. Even if I don't think that's what I want anymore, it's bound to happen.

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