Part 2

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"Lunch time kiddos! Whose hungry for peanut butter and jam sandwiches!"

I grunted as I felt Kaylee, Becca, and Rayan all push up off me to go eat their lunch.
I lifted my head and looked at the delicious food smelling it's sweet scent caused my stomach to growl out loud and my mouth to water.
I myself wasn't hungry but my body begged for the food the bit of nutritions it had to offer.
I close my eyes to focus on some stuff around the room to get my mind off food.
I stiffen at hearing Joshes voice through the door as he slams it open like he owns the place.

"Hey there Nara I've come to pick up the mutt" he gives her a a blank look then looks over and glares at me.

"Okay" I hear her quick response, to busy with kids to pay any attention to him.

Josh pats his leg ordering me to go over to him which I obey, getting up and walking in his direction then sitting once I got to his side. I stay stiff expecting him to lash out at any second, Josh was known for that, he had a short temper and I guess I just fueled his fire.
Josh grabbed the leash and latched it to my collar.
He opened the door and I followed him out.

Once the door was shut he grabbed my muzzle roughly with his long fingers which seemed to fit perfectly around my snout, kneeling to my level he shoved his face close to mine and I closed my eyes shut tight. I tried to hide the whimper that wanted to escape my mouth from the pain he caused, but I knew it would only make it worse. I hesitated to open my eyes then focused on his facial features avoiding eye contact knowing very well he'd beat me hard for breaking a rule. It's like he anticipates me breaking a rule so he can beat me.

"Listen here bitch, I don't want to be wasting my time on something so worthless as yourself" he grabbed tighter and shook my head a bit. "So I wanna see you in a pain to make up for it" he smirked and pulled out the controller to my collar that managed the electric shocks. My eyes widened as I look at it, I couldn't stop the whimper this time as mind registered that he was going to use it on me.. again.

He pulls roughly on my leash which made me stubble and pain shot though my aching muscles but I tried to keep up with his fast pace.

Suddenly he abruptly stopped and pushed me down to the ground. "Ok 1:40 so I've got 20 minuets" I heard him mumble to himself and all I could feel was fear.
I noticed that we where by the tree line at the back of the pack house, probably so he could have me to himself.

I felt a sudden shock stun my body, my eyes bulged and I could feel my body go stiff, the pain made me yellp and when the shocks stopped I fell to the ground panting.

I heard Josh's laughter but paid no mind to it as another shock raked my body and I went stiff again not being able to breath. When it went away I started to hack a bit and felt extremely weak, I couldn't move as the electric shock raked my body again and again.
He pressed it a few more times and after what felt like forever he kneeled down.

"Aww man too bad I need to stop, don't want you dead if the alpha wants to see you" Josh looks at his clock and back to me. "You've got 7 minuets until we need to be there mutt" he spat in my face but at this moment I didn't care, all I can think about was how much pain I was in and how I need to regain my breathing.
Josh liked using the shock collar on me it's his favourite even though it's usually only meant for training. Usually. But many people use it just to inflict pain.

I felt my leash tug and got up as quickly as I could on my shaky paws, Josh was not one you want to get mad especially since he has such a short fuse, he had almost killed me before and if it weren't for Jake holding him down I wouldn't be here.. and I kinda wish Jake didn't hold him down that day..


"Hey little bro!" Josh called to his brother as he rushed to catch up. Jake was walking me in the forest towards the training grounds so I could be used to teach the new trainees.

"What's up Josh?" Jake answered not really paying attention to his brother, he had orders to follow.

"How about we have some fun with her before she goes in for 'training" he looked down at me with a grin.

"Maybe we should keep her energy up, you know how those newbies can be and she hasn't eaten in about a week" he glanced at his brother hoping Josh would just back off.

"No come on, it won't be long, here press this button I don't think you've used her collar before" he showed Jake the remote to my shock collar, which was his favourite to use.

"No I haven't" he looked curiously at the remote in his brothers hand.

Josh smirked then handed him the remote.

Jake was about to press the button when Josh quickly said a rushed "wait" he grabbed the remote "full power is best" he handed the remote back to his brother.

Jake pushed the button and watched my instant pain as I shook not being able to make a sound, my breath was caught in my throat.

He lifted his finger off the button after a few seconds releasing me from my state of pure pain. I started to gag as I tried to catch my breath.

"C'mon, press it again" Josh piped up.

"Nah maybe I should just get going, I'm expected to be there, why don't you just hurt her later" he said as he tried walking away.

"She needs to feel pain Jake, just do it" Josh raised his voice and grabbed my leash out of Jakes hands causing me to cower away. He must be wanting to release his pent up anger again.

"No! Josh I really need to keep going or else I'll be the in shit again! Because of you, your always bugging me when I'm handling her" Jake glares at his brother and tried to grab the leash back.

"Fine! I'll take her there when I'm done with her then I'll be the one in trouble if I'm late" he growled at Jake yanking the leash back.

"No Callin sent me so they're expecting Me to bring her, and not beat up you idiot! She's not just here for your anger management all the time!" Jake growled and tried to grab the leash.
They've been fighting a lot recently and I'm sure being in the middle of them can't end well for me..

Jakes comment must have made Josh really mad so he pushed me further away from Jake and pressed the button for my collar.
"No, I'm not going anywhere until she's learned her lesson! And it's about her not me!" he glares at my shaking state as I tried desperately to get air. he doesn't take his finger off the button until Jake smacks the remote out of his hand. I try to gulp in air as I cough and heave. He punches his brother hard in the face then stalks towards me and kicks me hard in the ribs, I hear a few cracks and shut my eyes tight as pain flows from every inch of my body as he keeps kicking me over and over again. Everything starts to fade as the pain subsides, Black starts to cloud my vision and the last thing I see is Jake holding Josh back.

Flashback end

I shiver as the memory comes up.. like I said.. he has a short fuse and wants what he wants and usually gets it. He's unpredictable.

I looked in front of me and saw the alphas office door come closer as we approached. The alpha was another person that likes to cause me a lot of pain he's even scarier then Josh..

Josh knocked on the door and tapped his foot as he waited impatiently.
I stared up at Josh with big eyes, how can he be so disrespectful towards Alpha. I watched in fear while the door knob twist and as the door opened I'm struck with a burst of pure rage.

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