Chapter 20

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Madelaina :

I wake up the next day with Salem scratching on the bedroom door.

Well, I'm assuming. Unless there's another animal with claws in our house.

But I don't want to get up right now.

Covering my head with the sheets, I turn over and close my eyes again.

Sleeping is truly a beautiful thing.

That is, until someone barges through your closed door and jumps onto you over the covers before proceeding to bounce up and down.

"Della! Wake up! You have to get ready!"


She stops jumping. Instead laying down next to me. Her over the duvet and me under it. Our heads on two pillows and facing towards each other's.

"Ready for what?" I yawn.

"For school."

"What time is it?"

"Six thirty."

I have around an hour to get ready. I can manage that. Hopefully.

"You have your first day today?"


"Are you nervous?"

She shakes her head. The little soldier of the family.

"Are you excited?"

A nod this time.

"Do you think you'll make any friends?"


"Oh yeah?"

"Lots of them."

"I'm sure you will."

"Did you lie yesterday?"

"About what?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"About that girl being your friend?"


I wasn't offended by the question. It was strange telling them I had a friend on the first day. After what it's been like. And I know she's just concerned.

She may only be six but she can tell what people are feeling.

"Good. Della?"


"You know the girl next door?"


"The big guy's sister."

"The big guy?" I question.

"You know. That guy with the pretty face and the nice mom?"

"Oh, Lucrezia?"

I don't comment on the fact that she just said that lucas has a pretty face.

If anything it is agitating.

But I move on.


"What about her?"

"I don't think she liked me."

"How come?"

"She didn't talk to me or smile at me or even look at me."

Okay. Let's have a conversation.

"Well. I'm sure she didn't mean to make you feel that way."

"What do you mean?"

"Well. Some people don't really like talking to new people. Lots of people have different reasons but they just might not feel comfortable with it. It's not their fault and it's no one else's either. Her parents said she was shy. That's probably all it was. But I'm sure she'll come around."

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) Where stories live. Discover now