Chapter 56

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Jogging up the stairs to the platform, I take the seat next to Madden and turn to him.

"I need you to fight with me."

He focuses all of his attention onto me and says one word. "Who?"

And that's why he's my brother. Because I don't have to explain myself. I don't have to tell him, why. He's always there.

And so are the others.

"When?" Oakley asks.

"Where?" Darius follows.

"Not you two." I point at them. "If word gets out, you could get kicked off the team."

"No, we won't." Darius scoffs. "They wouldn't dream of losing us. I guarantee you. They'll turn a blind eye."

"They have before." Oak offers.


"You still willing to risk it?" I raise my brow.

"If you need us," Dare looks at me. "we're there. Always."

I nod once.  "Okay."

"So. Talk to us." Oak urges.

"Parasites from Madelaina's old school." My voice darkens and I start to see red. "Pretended to like her. She's shy, doesn't really feel comfortable around new people. They acted nice and then turned around and fucking stabbed her in the back. Fucking assaulted her."

"I have them." Oak states, remembering the time I asked him to look into it. "Names. Addresses. Likes. Dislikes. Extra curriculars. You name it, I have it."

"Good." I growl out.

"They're going to wish they were never fucking born." Oakley reassures me.

"She's yours now, yes?" Madden asks me.

"She's mine."

"Then she's one of us." He concludes. "And if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us."

"They're going to be ruined." Dare vows.

Yes. They will be.

I let out a ragged breath and nod my head.

"Thank you."

"You don't need to fucking thank us." Madden scoffs. "We're family."

"In every way that isn't blood." Comes Oak. "However. If you guys would want to go through some kind of dark magic ritual where we have to drink each other's blood to become biological brethren forever and always, I would be down. Just saying. Because I love you guys."

There is a pregnant pause before we all reply to his insanity at the same time.

"That's disgusting." I deadpan.

"What the fuck?" Mads shakes his head.

"Why would we want that?" Dare physically moves in the direction away from him.

"What?" Oakley lifts his arms up in offence. "I'm just telling you how I feel! I'm not allowed to do that? I'm not allowed to tell my best friends that I love them?"

Another pause. And then...

"Yeah, you are."

"We appreciate it, Oak."

"We love you, too, buddy."

He clears his throat and settles back into his chair. "Of course you do. I'm the best. Hot, too. Who wouldn't love me?"

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora