Chapter 15 - Not gay unless it's gay

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A/N: Brace yourselves, another unedited asf chapter. Exhausted from work and somehow wrote this without a drop of liquor. Meet my newest foster, Checkers. Camille's son. 


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My mind felt like it'd been frazzled all day when it was only second period. Friday night was a torrent whirlwind of emotions and a smidgeon of regret, only due to mum losing her temper at the fact I'd called the ambulance and landed her in hospital, so much that I barely slept a wink for two nights. She was currently fine and stable while the hospital continued running tests on her; and that was the main thing.

Pastor Cordell brought Josh straight to the hospital after I'd informed him we were there. He'd been so good to us, offering prayer and comfort, a hot chocolate and so on. He was a safe presence for me in those moments, even calming mum when I thought her neck capillaries would burst. He hugged me tight, let me cry, and comforted me endlessly for those two nights. Pastor Cordell stepped the way my dad couldn't. It felt safe in his arms.

Now I was back at school, like everything just gone was nothing but a nightmare. The aircon was up way too high, and the teacher was going on with some gibberish. It was hard to concentrate, especially when I saw Liam goofing off with his friends during the lesson. I remembered the weight of mum when she collapsed against me, reminding me that I owed it to her to completely remove Liam Petry out of my life.

Despite the chill of the air conditioning making my arms prickle, I felt all too hot and nervous. I didn't want to face any of this. I just wanted my mum to be okay.

Liam sat at his desk chatting with his friends, frequently looking back at me with concern. Charlie barely spared me a glance, but Goose and Ben stared at me heaps. I liked that Liam was concerned for me, but I had to remember my promise to mum and avoid him at all costs. Judging by the way he was looking back to confirm my location minutes before the bell went for first break, I figured I'd have to bolt out of here quicker than my deskmate.

The moment the bell rang, Liam was on me faster than I could pull my back from under my seat. "Hi Jude," he said with a sheepish grin. "How're you doing?"

"Fine," I said, standing and scooting out from my chair. "I have to go." I needed to find Josh and ask him to let me stay with his group.

Liam's friends were calling him over, but he waved them off and followed me out the door. I tried to act done with him, but it seemed like he wasn't quite done with me. I adjusted my bag over my shoulder and picked up my pace. "You're acting all urgent here," he commented, hovering at my side. "Are you on a mission?"

"I can't hang out with you anymore," I said, trying to outstep him but his long legs had no problem keeping up with mine.

"Oh for real?" he asked, but there was no hint of sadness or surprising. It almost seemed casual and conversational. "Me and the guys were thinking it'd be fun if you and Tristan hang with us."

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