Chapter 18 - Liam's POV: Finding Salvation

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A/N: Lord I'm sorry for the slow update. I got injured at work and realised I can't continue my profession without causing more damage to my arm, so I've started studying real estate and getting ready to bounce into a less physically demanding job. I've smashed out 6 units so I'm already halfway there. This book has been weighing on me so I needed to smash out a chapter ASAP, and hopefully more to come quicker than before. 

This is completely rushed, zero edit, reread, or proofread job. It'll be yet another trainwreck so I apologise in advance, but thanks so much for sticking with me and the boys. 

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It took a while to search up everything I needed, from the church website to their planned activities each week, and it was already getting dark by the time I found my way to the creepy old mate's house. The streetlights were rich with light, but his house was up a steep driveway, partially hidden by trees and brush, that light gradually lost its way. Something about it felt ominous, and I hated the thought of Jude being inside there.

I reached concrete steps that were well lit by built-in pave lights and realised that this sort of design had to cost quite a bit. Of course religious nut who didn't have to pay taxes on stolen money would have the extra cash floating around. The steps led me to an equally well-lit path, and the house beyond that path looked like something straight out of a Hollywood movie. Just who was this guy?

The right-hand side of the white building illuminated with blue light, reflecting from a very modern and inviting looking pool. Beyond the glass sliding door, I could see movement and shadows moving back and forth through the curtain. One figure stood still, by what I gathered to be a table. I imagined Jude standing awkward and nervously while others bustled around him.

Nervous but undeterred, I walked up to the front door and knocked before taking a step back. It opened in just a few moments, where I was greeted by a very pretty woman who slowly pulled the door open. She had blonde shoulder length hair and wore a feminine blazer with a respectable length tight skirt. Was she the wife or girlfriend of the old creep? He'd be doing well for himself, if so.

She was hot.

Her face broke into a warm and welcoming smile. "You're a new face I haven't seen before," she said, opening the door wide. "We're glad you could be here. Come on in and I'll take you to the others in the theatre room."

A theatre room? I could picture a large room with several seats facing a giant projector, just like you'd see at an actual cinema. Having witnessed both his tastes and audacity these past few days, it wouldn't have surprised me at all. We walked down a dimly lit hallway, but I could see changing light escape from beneath one of the doors towards the end. Sound blaring through the door was just another dead giveaway.

"What's your name?" the woman asked. "I'm Trina, Pastor Cordell's wife."

"I'm Liam," I answered as we reached the door. "A friend of Judes."

"He knew you were coming?" she asked, sounding a little surprised. "He didn't mention it. I'll get you a drink and snacks for the movie, you just go on in."

She turned and went back the way we came, so I pulled the handle and slipped through the door as quietly as I could. I was surprised to see that it was a humbler than I'd imagined. Coming in through the door, the couch they sat on was just a little way to the left of me where I could see Jude's curly hair next to the silhouette of a grown adult who I could only presume to be Pastor Cordell. A portion of the wall kept me hidden from their peripheral, but if I took a step further, they'd definitely notice me standing here. I snuck my head around to get a view of them both. Jude's arm and fingers appeared tense and rigid, clutching the arm of the couch. Pastor Cordell's hand was inches away, subtly stroking the material of the couch just inches away. I could barely make anything out in the dark, but the shit quality movie would occasionally create enough light for me to catch some detail.

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