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The carriage ride was rough and bumpy, Estelle had said this was one of the most comfortable forms of transportation you could find.

With how sore and nauseous Olivia currently was she felt quite bad for commoners and anyone else who uses the carriages that aren't considered as "high quality" as the one she was currently riding in.

It was times like these that Olivia missed her original, modern world.

Olivia had never gotten sick in car rides, in fact she loved them. The comfortable, soft seats, the music playing, watching the trees and other cars flash by. The feeling of relief of a heated car when it's cold outside or the air conditioner when it's hot!

Not only that she missed technology. Olivia, like any other teenage girl, was addicted to her phone. She could do everything on there!

When she was craving something she could order it and have it delivered, watch her favorite shows, read her favorite books, talk to her friends.

She missed coming home from school to a warm house and the smell of food wafting towards her nose as soon as she stepped in. She missed calling out to her family that she was home and the sound of them welcoming her.

She missed the sound of her younger siblings running around the house and bothering her. Heck, she even missed the little gremlins themselves.

Most of all though, Olivia missed her parents.

Sure, sometimes they could be overbearing or push her a little bit too much, but she knew they only wanted the best for her. They were good parents they never missed a birthday, holiday or any of her or her siblings recitals, plays, games or really anything they participated in.

They always made sure to make time for them.

And the way her current parents mistreated and ignored her just made her miss them more. Even if her current parents were good parents in the first place, Olivia wouldn't be able to accept them she'd feel like she'd be betraying or replacing her old ones.

Olivia continued to reminisce her old life when, the vehicle suddenly drove over a rock causing the carriage to violently rattle and shake, dragging her out her thoughts.

Olivia groaned and pulled her legs closer to her stomach, she was currently lying on her side with her head in Estelle's lap, any nostalgic feeling she just had was quickly replaced with pain and nausea.

Olivia was fully convinced she was at the lowest point in her life.

Estelle stroked the side of her face gently, moving some stray strands of hair behind her ear. "Are you alright My Lady? You look quite pale, I can ask them to stop and take a break for a little bit if you're feeling unwell." Estelle proposed with a look of concern on her face.

"No, no, we're almost to the next town. We can take a break there." Olivia said weakly, holding back the urge to puke her guts out.

Estelle sighed and continued to stroke her head, "Very well." She agreed reluctantly.

With that they continued on the rough trip, praying they get to their next destination as soon as possible.


After what felt like hours to Olivia, the Auclairs finally arrived at Noria, one of the most famous cities in the country.

Being the city right before the capital the streets were crowded and bustling, many people stop to stay here before heading into the city so it's a hotspot for business owners and tourists.

With the streets being too busy to move a carriage through the family had to get off and walk the rest of the way to their hotel, Olivia secretly thanked any and all of the gods and holy deities above.

Tuning out the sound of her mother complaining about having to walk the rest of the way to inn, Olivia turned her attention to the various shops and stalls lining the streets.

"Vegetables! Fresh vegetables for a low price!"

"Come, come! We have all kinds of trinkets and tools for anyone and everyone to use!"

"Hello miss, would you like to look at our jewelry, we have beautiful pieces for low prices."

Everywhere you looked, people could be heard trying to flatter and sell their products.

Performers were in any open space they could find, on one corner Olivia had seen a few dancers, and right across from that was a man juggling fire. There were singers and loud music, very thing was lively, colorful and extravagant.

Olivia felt like she was going to throw up.

All the loud noises and bright lights caused her to get a massive headache which caused her nausea. Not to mention her hatred for crowded places, she's was starting to feel a little claustrophobic. Olivia really felt like she would never get a moments peace in this life.

After walking for about 15 minutes they finally arrived in front of a large, expensive looking inn, they walked inside to find that the place was packed, people were almost lined up outside.

Her mother scoffed, "God, if I'd known this trip was going to be so insufferable I would have suggested to leave a little later."

Geez, Olivia knew this place was a little overpacked but isn't the duchess being a little impatient? They weren't the only people on their way to the capital. It also didn't go unnoticed by Olivia how her mother would look at the people around them, like they weren't worthy enough to be in her presence, especially the looks given to those who looked to be in a lower class.

Her father also had a slight look of annoyance and impatience on his usually indifferent face.

Little Ophelia stuck her lower lip out and whined, "Out! Out!" She kicked her tiny legs and reached her stubby arms toward the door they'd just walked in from.

"Aww, does my baby want to go back outside?" The duchess soothed Ophelia in a sickly sweet voice while rubbing her back and in a speed that could rival how fast light travels turned around and called out to Estelle in a stern voice, "Estelle, take Ophelia out sightseeing. We'll finish matters here." Any kind nature she just had was gone in a moments notice.

Estelle quickly bowed with a straight face, "Yes madam." Ophelia's face lit up, she stretched her arms out to Estelle with a bright smile.

"Be back before sundown." The duchess said to Estelle before kissing Ophelia on the cheek.

"Yes madam." Estelle responded back quickly doing a slight bow, she reached her hand out to Olivia and said with a sweet smile, "Let's go My Lady."

Olivia took her hand while Estelle held Ophelia on her hip with the other.

The trio walked back out into the busy streets,

Olivia could already feel her headache coming back.

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