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OLIVIA BUNDLED HERSELF up in a thick, white winter coat. With the peak of Winter quickly approaching, the academy students get a two weeks vacation from their classes and with it a week long trip to the capital for those who'd like to participate.

With the annual Winter solstice coming up, a festival is being held all week in the capital in celebration which the students of Alexandreia College will be attending. Olivia included.

She originally wanted nothing to do with it. Olivia was never one for crowds or festivities in general but with everyone on school grounds either leaving for the festival or their own homes Olivia was hit with a dilemma, and between returning to her family's quiet, daunting home or going on a school related trip with her obnoxious classmates the latter seemed much more appealing.

Snow crunched under her boots as she made her way down to the front gates of the school where students and teachers alike had gathered for their respective departures.

Olivia spotted a tuft of green hair floating among the crowd of students in her grade year.

"Flying solo?" Olivia said once she'd found her way behind Leif. He was something of a friend now, or so he likes to believe, but also the only person Olivia recognized right now.

Leif turned around and flashed a grin, "Livvy!" Olivia grimaced, "Didn't expect ta' see you here."

"Don't call me that. And I could say the same for you. I heard Augustus was heading home for the break, you decide to rebel against the system of something?" Olivia asked wryly.

Leif's smile dropped slightly into something less jubilant, he shrugged his unkempt hair bouncing with the movement, "Auggie's a bit homesick and I don't feel like dealing with all the drama." He waved his hand in dismissal and elaborated no further, "So, I guess yer stuck with me this week!" His eyes twinkled mischievously as he grinned, displaying a row of perfectly straight, white teeth and particularly sharp canines.

Olivia rolled her eyes. Out of the corner of her eye Olivia noticed a familiar head of springy teal hair, she turned to her right and called out, "Lady Cassidy! Heading home I see?" She asked pleasantly. Cassidy Davis in all her sassy, egoistic glory had somehow grown on Olivia and, on occasion, she found herself genuinely enjoying the company.

Cassidy turned on her heel to face her pair of classmates, Leif waved lazily as Cassidy looked them both up and down head held high and her arms crossed over her white fur and lavender snow jacket. Her way of saying hello, Olivia has learned.

"Lady Olivia," She greeted, "Leif." She said less pleasantly. Leif stuck his tongue out at her and Cassidy grimaced in disgust.

She scoffed and turned her nose to the sky, "Yes, I am returning to my family's villa in the capital, we will be attending the Winter solstice celebration together." She said proudly attempting and, quite frankly, failing at hiding the excitement in her voice.

"Awesome! We're going to the festival too! We should all meet up and hang out." Leif said grinning widely, practically vibrating at the idea.

"Geez. Be honest, how often is it you get to actually communicate with other human beings." Olivia asked side eyeing the boy.

Cassidy humphed turning away from the two, "Don't be ridiculous, Driscoll, I have no time or interest in 'hanging out' with a bunch of rascals from school." She said haughtily, Olivia raised an eyebrow. "But...I suppose if I find myself free...I will consider it." She says, her cheeks dusting a light shade of pink.

Olivia smiled softly, "Cool. Then we'll see you there, Lady Cassidy. Have fun with your family."

"Later, Cass!" Leif shouts after Cassidy's retreating form as Olivia waves goodbye to young girl.

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