Chapter 10 (Steven) (Edited)

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 *****Edited by krisgee*****

 2011 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 10 (Steven)

            It took every bit of restraint that I had to stay seated at that dining room table and watch my mate walk out the door.  If he dares to lay a hand on her then no one would be able to stop me from tearing his heart out.  Deep breaths I thought to myself, in and out.  I had to calm myself down so that I wouldn't do anything that I would regret in front of her family.  Once I felt like I had a good hold on my self control I looked around the table and saw that everyone’s eyes were set on me.

            There was an eerie silence surrounding us in the room and it was beginning to make me feel very uncomfortable.  Then I noticed her mom.  Her mom's eyes were glaring daggers at me and that glare made me feel like I was about ten inches tall.  This was definitely a woman not to be messed with.

            “You.” She said while standing and pointing her finger at me.  “You will take care of her.  You will love her.  You will not bond with her until after graduation and we will get along just fine.  You hurt her or even so much as cause her to shed one tear, then your ass is mine.  Are we clear?”  She said all of this with such a fierceness that would only come from a Mama protecting her baby cub.

            “Raven,” Alpha Martin warned.
            I watched curiously as the mother turned her fury to her husband.  She slapped her hand on the table in front of him, demanding his attention.  He flinched back and looked up at her silently.  Smart man, I thought to myself.

            “No, Will.  You listen to me.  That is my baby girl and I’ll be damned if I want to see her in her first heat before she is even out of high school.”

            Alpha Martin ran his hand through his hair in agitation before responding to his wife.  
            “Raven, it is our way.  I have explained all of this to you.  Don’t you remember what is was like when we first met?  The attraction, the desire.  It’s even worse for them because they are both wolves, baby,” he said while reaching for her hand.

            She narrowed her eyes on him and jerked her hand away.

            “No.  I. Don’t. Care. That is my baby girl and I will not see her hurt.”  Her fierce gaze turned back to me.

            “Are we clear?” she asked me once again. 

            This time Alpha Martin didn’t interfere and honestly, I didn’t blame him.

            I froze in place with my eyes wide open and nodded my head.  I have nothing but the utmost respect for this woman standing so strong in front of me.  Now I see where my blue eyed beauty get’s her fire from and I look forward to the day that she will carry our child, a child that I hope carries the same fire as its mother.

            “Good.  Now that’s cleared up, shall we eat?” she asked as if the whole conversation had never occurred.  Her whole demeanor had changed and she had a sincere smile on her face.  

            I looked to Alpha Martin and he just shrugged his shoulders.  I glanced over to my Mama and she had a knowing smile on her face.  My bet is that she would have done the same thing if it had been her daughter.  I glanced over at my brother and he just shook his head trying to hide his own laughter.  I let out a sigh of relief that now some of the tension in the room had finally been eased.

            Now, my thoughts drifted to my mate and her brother. I watched the door willing her to walk through it.  I was so tempted to call out for her in her mind, but I knew that I needed to give her this space to deal with her brother.   But damn, this was becoming harder and harder as the minutes slowly passed by.  

            I felt Alpha Martin place a hand on my arm bringing me out of my thoughts.  I looked up at him and his eyes flitted to my hands.  Crap.  I was so lost in my own head worrying about my mate that I hadn’t realized the beating I had given the fork I was holding.  Needless to say, it was not fit to eat with considering the shape that it was now.  

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