The day my SISTER gets a wand

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Star screams making me rush towards her room.

The door opens with a slam. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Do I need to stab someone? I'll do it! " I yell, frantically searching the room for danger while holding out one of my old Battle Axe's.

"COMET!" Star shouts throwing us into a hug. I quickly drop the axe and wrap my arms around her as she hides her face in my chest.

"Star?" I ask concerned, looking down at her.

"Happy Birthday Comet!!" She shouts looking up at me with a huge smile on her face.

I sigh in relief and smile back. "Happy Birthday Star."

She gives me a tight squeeze before letting go to finish getting ready. She pulls out the folding screen so she could change.

"So, what do you have planned for today?" I ask, closing the door and facing away from her.

"Oh you know, the use~" She says with a rustle of fabric. "Before I finally get the wand!!!!" She finishes with a squeal as she emerges from behind the screen.

"Yep, you get the wand." I say, hiding how I feel about it.

"Wait if I get the wand, what will you get?" Star asks turning me back around to face her.

"Me, well I get...nothing." I say with a sad smile.

"WHAT! That's not fair." She whines as she grabs onto my suit.

"I know, but there's nothing we can do. But hey, it's fine today is your day go enjoy it." I say, cheering her up.

"Okay, I will." She shouts excitedly, running towards the door.

"See ya Comet!" She says before shutting the door with a slam.

I sigh, "See ya." I flop down on her bed with a grunt. 'I'm fine, totally fine.'

"Prince Comet." A butler calls from the door.


"The queen requests your presence in the throne room." He responds.

"Ugh...I'm coming." I say sitting up with a groan. I get up and move over to Star's mirror.

I grab her brush and fix my hair so that it's neat and orderly again. Then I soothe out the creases in my suit from where Star grabbed me.

I give myself one last look before making my way to the throne room entrance.

A servant opens the door for me before announcing, "Prince Comet Butterfly has arrived."

I keep a neutral look as I make my way past the sneering aristocrats to my stone-faced parents.

"Stand here while we wait for your sister." Mother says pointing next to her.

I quickly stand next to her and wait. After a few minutes, I nervously look over at her before looking away.

"If you have something to say, do so." She says looking at me from the corner of her eyes.

"It's just, you know Star will get the wand and is most likely going to get the throne as well." I whisper to her, making Dad look over as well.

"Yes?" She questions with a raised eyebrow.

"I just was wondering how I can help Mewni if my presence doesn't contribute to anything. Since I'm just....there." I finish, looking at the ground with a frown.

They share a look before Mom softly smiles and lifts my head. "Sweetheart, you may not get the Royal Wand and there is a chance you may not get the throne, but you know what?"

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