New home pt. 1

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"I was wrong." I say to myself as Marco runs away after the fire spreads from Star's rainbow.

"It's fine bro-bro, let's head to our new home!" She says before summoning a cloud and dragging me onto it before zooming off.

We soon made it to the Diaz house but unfortunately, Star's cloud made my clothes wet but strangely left Star's dry.

Star knocks on the door and a tall man and a woman open the door.

"Welcome to Casa Diaz!" They shout giving warm smiles.

"It's so nice to meet you two." The woman says initiating a group hug shocking me.

"Don't forget about me." The man says joining the hug.

I tense, stunned by the affection before slow melting into the hug with a happy sigh.

I felt a warmth filling my chest and I smiled which Star saw. She gave a quiet squeal to which I fondly rolled my eyes to.

Soon enough, the hug ended leaving me with a sense of emptiness that I shoved down.

"Oh no, Comet your wet! Wait-WAIT! I have just the thing." Mr. Diaz says leaving the room in a rush.

After a moment he comes back with a long teal coat with a seafoam green trim.

"Here wear this, I made this a few years ago but it never had any purpose until now." He excitedly hands it to me with a bright smile.

I gently take it and run my hand over the smooth feel the cotton satin material. A sheen follows my movement   and a soft smile appears on my face.

"Thank you. It'" I whisper making Star giggle.

"What's this? Is the Comet Butterfly speechless?" She teases, poking my cheek, successfully making my face drop.

"Shut up." I groan with an eye roll, making the Diazs' giggle.

"I'll change into it now." I tell them and Mr. Diaz points me to the nearest bathroom while Star and Mrs. Diaz talk.

I quickly grab some clothes and change. After putting the coat on, it felt like a missing peice slid into place.

I look over myself before nodding in approval.

"Thanks Mr. Diaz, it fits perfectly." I say, walking back to the couple on the couch.

I see a stunned Marco in the doorway, "Oh, so you also live here. I didn't want to assume anything." I answer, after seeing his questioning look.

"Marco, why don't you show our new guest their rooms." Mrs. Diaz says.

"Yay!" Star squeals grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs.

"Are those puppies shooting lasers out their eyes?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it." She responds with a shrug.

I pick up one of the puppies and gently hold....him in my arms as Marco comes upstairs.

"Alright so, there is only one extra room but there is the attic-" He starts but I quickly cut him off.

"I'm taking the attic." I say, uncharacteristically excited gleam in my eyes.

"You sure, it's pretty empty up there?" He asks arching a brow.

I nod and the dog barks in agreement.

"Yeah he's sure, little Comi here liked to brood up in his tower all the time back on Mewni." Star pinches my cheek playfully which I ignore.

"It's...eventful being on the same floor with Star and I enjoy the view." I respond, albeit slightly distorted since she was still pinching my cheek.

"Oookaay." Marco says, looking concerned since Star was now pulling and stretching my face while I kept a straight face.

"It's fine, let's drop off Star's things first since it's closer." I say, easily picking up the chest he was struggling with.

"Wow..i-uh...ehem. Right this way." He stutters, quickly turning away with Star skipping after him.

"Here's your new room!" Marco says And one of the puppies shooting his foot with a laser.

"Ow!" He yelps, rubbing his foot with a frown as places down the chest near the wall.

"Now Star before  you do any magic to change your room, can we see my room first so you don't break it?" He sighs making Star gasp.

"How did you know I was going to use magic?" She asks nudging me before giggling.

Marco walks down the hallway and pulls a string. A part of the ceiling drops down and stairs follow until it hits the floor.

"Ooh more Earth magic." Star says in awe.

"Engineering, Stardust." I respond, ruffling her hair.

She sticks her tounge out at me and I make a face back.

"And here is the attic." Marco says catching our attention.

" Marco says catching our attention

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"It's perfect

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"It's perfect." I gasp walking to the middle of the room.

I place the puppy in my arms down before placing a hand on a wooden beam.

A barely visible teal glow appears under my hand and seeps into the wood.

I jerk my hand back and look at it. 'Seems normal...but what was-' I ponder before looking at the beam.

'It can wait, I still have to get Star settled before I can look into it.'

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