Chapter 26

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Six Months Later

"Aabi...Aabi," Safna says walking inside Aabirah's room. "Have you finished packing, your husband is coming soon," 

Aabirah is sitting on the bed. "I have finished packing everything, I am finally going home," 

Safna sits on the bed with a smile. "I remember when you were in private boarding school in high school, you used to be very happy to come home, you will say to me when I picked you up, I am finally going home,"

Aabirah smile. "Visiting days, when you visit me, you will come along with my best things, buy me stuffs, but I will prefer to be here home with you, just like now with Dalaj, I prefer to be home with him,"

"It is good, that you want to be with your husband all the time. Marriage is a sacrifice, it is the greatest sacrifice, you need to sacrifice a lot, your time, effort, and no room for laziness, you need to work very hard to build your marriage, you need to be honest, understanding, you need to close your eyes sometimes.  Marriage is a very big sacrifice there are struggles, if you are going to sacrifice, you will be happy. I know you have sacrificed and have been patient continue being like this, you be happy and there will be no crisis, trust your husband, don't give reasons for your husband not to trust you,  make sure to not prey or spy because Allah warns us about it. Be in a good relationship with the people around and help each other, reach out to each other, don't put pressure or ask another to do something which is going to be difficult, very difficult because then it might create a crack in your marriage. Love, respect, and help your husband, have children…," 

"Assalamu Alaykum," Fayyad says, walking in. 

"Wa'alaykum Salaam," They reply. 

"Dalaj is here… already," Fayyad says.

"What do you mean already? he is late, very late," Aabirah says.

They laugh. 

"Ohhh Aabi… get ready and come out okay," Safna says, walking out with Fayyad.


Aabirah walks out of the gate with the help of a walking stick, in her right hand.

Dalaj is standing outside and walks to her.

"Have my brother brought my luggage?" Aabirah ask.

"He has," Dalaj smiled, handing her a rose. 

Aabriah smiled collecting the rose. "Thank you, I miss the garden, all the flowers, the playground… everything,"

Dalaj smile. "It is so beautiful isn't it?" 

Aabriah nods. 

"Not as beautiful as you," Dalaj says. 

Aabirah chuckle. "Have you gone inside the house," 

Dalaj nods. "I have," 

They stare at each other smiling. 

"I think we should go, so we reach before night falls," Dalaj says, holding her waist, supporting her to the car.

Aabirah sits in the car seat, Dalaj takes her walking stick puts it in the back seat, and open the door, sitting on the driver's seat. 

He starts driving. "Do you know how much I missed you?" 

"I didn't know you missed me, if you have missed me, you won't let me stay at home for almost a year, far away from you," 

"It is six months. and I did it for a reason, I visit you and spend time with you…," 

"You don't have to mention anything, I would have preferred to stay close to you all the time … How's Yasira?" Aabirah ask. 

"She is fine Alhamdulilah, She goes to therapy, medicines and she has changed, she is concentrating on ibadah… the lung transplant has given her a new life, Are you going back to be teaching the children?"

"I have given my resignation letter and it has been a while, I am sure they already have a new teacher…," 


Yasira is arranging foods on the table, she hears a knock. She sighs and walks to the door. 

She opens the door. "You have arrived, please come in," 

Aabirah walks inside. "Assalamu Alaykum," 

"Wa'alaykum Salaam," Yasira replies with a smile. 

"Assalamu Alaykum," Dalaj walks in, dragging Aabirah's luggage. 

"Wa'alaykum Salaam," 

"I have been waiting for you, how are you?" Yasira asks Aabirah.


"Masha Allah," Yasira smiled.

"I will take your luggage," Dalaj says.

"I will go with you," Aabriah says. 

"No, please stay I have cook dinner…. You can go in after you eat," Yasira says.

Aabirah nods. "Thank you," 

Dalaj walks away.

"How's your health?" Aabirah ask.

"Alhamdulilah… Thanks for asking… You?" 

Aabirah replies. "Alhamdulilah… I am feeling better each day," 

"Let's eat," Yasira says.

Aabriah walks to the dining with Yasira. 

Yasira pulls the chair for Aabirah, Aabriah sits down. "Thank you," Aabriah says.

"Aqila… Aqila…," Yasira called. 

Aqila run inside the dining room, Aqila sees Aabirah. "Ummi…," 

Aabirah hold the table and stand up. "come here,"

Aqila walks and hugs her. "I missed you so much….," 

Aabirah smile. "I missed you too,"

Dalaj walks to them smiling, he looks at Yasira, who smiles at him. 

"Let's all eat, shall we?" Yasira says with a smile. 

"I am hungry," Aqila says.

"Let's eat then so you can sleep for school tomorrow," Yasira says. 

"Okay," Aqila replies.


Aabirah is sitting in front of the mirror combing her hair, wearing a short cute pink dress.

"You have to stop being nervous, Aabi,".

Dalaj walks inside the room wearing his nightclothes.

"Has Aqila fallen asleep?" Aabirah asks,  walking to him with her walking stick.

"She has," Dalaj says, holding Aabirah's waist, and having her sit on his lap, her walking stick falling to the floor.

Dalaj rubs his hand softly on her cheeks.

"Did you miss me?" Aabriah ask.

"What do you think?" Dalaj replies.

"I guess you do," Aabirah says, brushing her lips on his.

Dalaj stand, holding her, as he lay her gently on the bed, kissing her lips.

Aabirah holds his cheeks, looking into his eyes. "I missed these eyes, looking into mine," 

Dalaj kisses her forehead, as she closes her eyes. 


Another Update.

What do you think of Yasira?

Don't forget to touch the star, ( I heard it is magically ).

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