Chapter 6: And Adventure for two

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It was still early when I awoke but I wanted to do something special for Sophia but what would I do? I gave her my heart and she had mine what else was there to do? That's when it hit me. Her diary! I know I shouldn't snoop but... Its for her I wanna make her dreams come true.

I slid out of bed Aphrodites shifting in bed almost blowing my cover entirely. I went to her desk and grabbed the first book of the top. It read as follows "My hopes and dreams <3" With a little doodled in pink heart I could barely makeout my phone on lowest brightness to not distrub her barely illuminating it. I turned the pages reading the small text but I was suprised it mainly had doodles of what she loved instead.

I read it for a bit before almost putting it away I felt bad snooping so much. The best entries were. "The new farmer in the valley looks really sweet! and maybe even a little cute! Cute? Thats the first time Ive looked at a woman in that way Oh no am I gay!" I sniffled a little bit supressing a laugh if only past Sophia knew were we are now. I read a bit more about Sophia learning she actually sometimes posted cosplays online! Very heavy makeup though! Shes so good I never would have guessed She was Faries the Valley I loved that cosplayer. Damn I fell in love even more. But the next entry is what stood out to me. "I've always loved fairy stones since mom passed its too bad there hard to find I've always wanted my own since mom and dads engagement ring was made of one! It sparkled so bright and always lit up my eyes when I saw there rings Im glad we were able to burry them together hand in hand ring and ring together."

Fairy Stones! Holy shit I Had my answer!!! Id get her a fairy stone I had to itd be the best christmas gift ever!! I checked the clock and it read 2 am "I mustve have slept a bit with her since we fell asleep at 10. I have to do this though its the only way. I called up Abby and told her its an emergency. I grabbed my infinity blade from my bag and woke up Valeria and rode her into town not caring who I woke up in town Valerias Hoofs clapping against the stone pavement all the way to my farm.

Abby never missed an adventure just the mere text got her up apparently she couldn't sleep and promised to meet me at the farm in 20 minutes. I slipped on my favorite combined rings a glowing one to help illimuniate the still dark night and give some luck and caves we would be hitting today. And my combined ring of iridium quality and defense. I wasn't taking chances today. I got everything ready but almost forgot the most important part. I flipped on the tv and checked the valleys luck for today. My heart sunk..... it was a terrible day for spirits and I had just commited to going mining. Do I back out and play it safe and tell Abby we should be on the safe side today? No. I couldn't do that, life was about taking risks and I was willing to risk my life for Sophia if it ment seeing her smile once again id do anything for that.

Abby arived at the farm just on time and I grabbed potions and some meals for while were on this short mining trip. "Athena you really love this woman if your doing this"

"I know thats why I have to do this. Did you get your gear?"Abby smiled and shined her infinity sword in triumpt glory.

"All right lets fucking do this" I pulled her onto the back of Valerias back and
Gave Valeria the whistle "AWAY GIRL FULL SPEED AHEAD" I never had to say it again Abigail almost fell of quickly grabbing my waist to stay on top of the lightning fast Stallion.

"Why are we going so fast!!!" Abigail exclaimed still not looking down to the ground to see how fast we flew across the dirt road then to the road it was passing the bus on the way. "Holy shit Athena were not going to those mines are we????"

"We have to im sorry Ill do anything you need for a month its for Sophia I promise Im sorry for not telling you but theres no way I could risk you not going"

To which I was met simply with a "I believe in you Athena" Abigail smiled as Valeria flew through the tunnel to head right for the desert which with Pams driving was an hour and a half each time. We didnt have that luxory at the moment time was against us constantly hating what we were trying to accomplish.

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