3.Morons 🚓

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Teddy walked into fifth hour a little early so she could talk to her coach before class started. He said he wanted to see her, and she had no idea why.

"You said you wanted to see me coach?" She asked, smiling as she put her stuff down. She looked particularly pretty that day, with a white dress and a jean jacket on, and her hair cascading down her back.

"Yeah sit down," He replied motioning to the chair across from his. He was only about forty years old but his silver hair shined from the track lighting above.

"What's up?" Not only was Coach Woodruff Teddy's favorite coach but he was also her favorite teacher. He was driven with passion in everything he did, and he could always crack a joke to make her smile. She looked around at the room that felt like a second home to her. Every day she looked forward to that class.

"Is there something going on that I should know about?" He asked. He wasn't asking like she was in trouble, but it seemed that he was concerned about her well-being. You would never get him to admit it in front of everyone, but Teddy was one of his favorite students. He had a special place in his heart for the girl. Over the years he had noticed the lack of presence of her parents at things like academic banquets, and her basketball games and track meets, so he vowed to fill the role of her number one fan as much as he could.

"What do mean?" Teddy knew exactly what he meant but she wasn't going to let on to it. Things at home lately had gotten worse. Frank was coming home drunk more than usual. The more he got drunk, the worse Teddy got it.

"You know what I mean Teddy. You haven't been yourself lately, you've been quiet in my class, you've been very anxious, and you lost that sparkle you always have in your eyes." He smiled the crooked smile that always made Teddy laugh. He truly missed that sparkle she always sported the most, it was one of the many things that made her so beautiful, and reminded him that there was still good in the world, even in the worst of times.

"Yeah Coach, it's just I have a lot on my plate. I have to keep my grades up, and the extra training to make it to states, it's a lot. I'm just tired, I'll be my old self in a few weeks when all of this is over." Teddy hoped that sounded believable it easy a little cliché though. Almost as bad as the "I ran into a doorknob," excuse.

"Why don't you take practice off today, go home and get some sleep?" His thumbs fought each other in his lap, as he looked her directly in the eye.

"I'm a captain coach, I'm not skipping practice to take a nap, I can sleep when I'm dead." Teddy laughed "I have to go get my stuff so I'm not 'unprepared' for your class." She mocked as she began walking out the door.

"Teddy," She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around to face him, "You know you can talk to me about anything right? No judgment, no repercussions, nothing to lose." He asked leaning forward in his rolly chair.

"Yeah Coach, I know." With that she found her friends and made her way to her locker.

Frank was late picking her up for practice so she decided that she would just practice a little longer until he got there. She knew her Coach had his son's baseball game to go to so she told him she'd be fine and that he said he'd be there soon. That was a mistake, she had tried calling him several times but he never picked up, and when she looked to see if she had her Metra card on her, she realized she had left her wallet in her locker. The only problem with that was the school closed at five and it was five fifteen. Teddy wasn't quite sure what to do as the rain started falling, she sat under the bleachers and looked through her contacts for someone to call. She took a second to think about the decision she was making and then pressed the call button on the phone.

"Sargent Hank Voight speaking," The voice said.

"Hey Sargent, this is Teddy."

"Oh hey Teddy is everything okay," His gruff voice worried.

Chicago Pd x Teen!reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin