12. Track Meet🏃‍♀️

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"So are you excited for your big day tomorrow?" Adam asked Teddy as they walked into an Italian take-out place. He held the door open for the woman behind them and then caught up with her.

"I'm so excited!"

He could see it too. Her eyes were wide and her smile was bright. She was glowing, like the teenage girl she was.

"I'm excited to come watch. I haven't been to a track meet since I was in high school. Let alone a state meet."

"I'm actually kind of nervous." She admitted pulling her light jacket up over her shoulders.

"You have nothing to be nervous about. Except the fact that its seventy five degrees outside and you have a jacket on." He teased.

"Coach had a list of rules for tonight. I was to not be in short sleeves unless it was over eighty, carbo-load, drink sixty four ounces of water, and sleep at least eight hours. Oh yeah, and sit on my butt and do absolutely nothing."

"Looks like you're not following that rule."

"I needed to get out of the station. It gets boring after a while, it would have been easier if Voight picked a different night for you guys to work till nine on a case. I would be at his house right now, but he told me that he would feel bad for making me stay alone the whole night before the state meet."

"Little did he know that you probably be having a better night at home watching a movie or something."

"Pick up for Ruzek." He stated as the person in front of them left the counter. He pulled out his wallet and handed the lady at the register a card.

"How did you get stuck paying tonight anyways? I mean Hanks the one who's making you stay."

"That's the old man's card." He smiled at her the sly smile that always made her giggle. Adam had a boyish charm that made her blush

"Smooth." Teddy replied. The lady handed over the food over to Adam, and he put his wallet back in his pocket

"You look tired." He said ruffling her hair as they walked out of the restraunt.

" I was up all last night finishing my AP. Lit project. " She confessed.

"What do you mean; you're usually on top of that stuff?" He grabbed ahold of her shoulder as she started to walk towards the wrong car. 'That one genius."

"Well track and school have been weighing on me so much lately that when I got invited to go out with my friends the other day I decided to not do it, and then I forgot about it. When I went out I kind of left Voight under the impression that I already had all my work done."

"Sometimes you just have to forget about the difficult stuff and have a little fun. I understand." He said opening the passenger of his car for her.

"A week and all of this stupid school work will be done."

"That's right, in a week you go on summer vacation right?"

"Yeah, I'm so excited."

"What are your plans?" He asked raising an eyebrow and pulling out of the parking space.

"To sleep for two weeks straight."

"That sounds amazing. I'd love to be a kid again." He couldn't remember the last time he just got to sleep in until whatever time he wanted.

"That's the only thing getting me through exams."

"I don't blame you, exams suck."

"Did you have to take exams when you were in the police academy?"

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