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After she got back to Hogwarts, Lilith was prepared for her exams. She was entirely sure she did well, not like it was too hard for her anyways. Her magic was strong enough on her own with her training, the only reason she attended Hogwarts was to study wand magic. 

The subject she disliked most was History of Magic. The lesson completely disregarded the actual history behind their magic. Hecate had explained to her that she had to hide the identity of the Greek Gods existence and how important it was to keep these lives separate.

Apparently, she had learnt that back then, Greek wizards and witches had believed in the existence of Hecate, but the Goddess had erased their memories of the mortal world and the Greek 'mythology'. 

The reason behind this was to comfort Zeus, as he was afraid that Hecate would build an army to overthrow him as the King of the Gods. Lilith had no idea how he came to the conclusion that wizards and witches were powerful enough to overthrow the Gods, but oh well- she was only 11, what would she know?

As the girl skipped around the hallways of the castle, she came to a realization that she hasn't actually made any close friends aside from Fred and George, who she hung out mostly because of their love of pranks.

She wanted to change that, however, she knew it was bad to get attached to this world, knowing most demigods won't make it pass the age of sixteen-- she had her family to keep her company anyways.

She had also been wondering about her prophecy recently-- she had no idea what her prophecy was, but there were more things she had to worry about, for example, her lunch.

The girl made her way towards the girl's bathroom, having to use the loo. Right after she left the stalls to go wash her hands, she jumped back in surprise with a small shriek. "AH!"

Instead of seeing her own reflection on the mirror, she was greeted by the amused face of Luke Castellan.

"You okay, sweetheart?" He chuckled in amusement.

"Luke?" She questioned, eyes wide in surprise and confusion.

One thing she noticed was that the dark circles under his eyes were prominent, his face was paler and he looked a bit sick?

"Hi Lilith." The older boy smiled gently. "How am I talking to you?" The girl murmured with a small voice, 

"IM, sweetheart." He answered. "I needed to talk to you." He sighed, the girl could only stare at him sadly.

He must've noticed the look on her face because the second he saw her lips quivering, "I'm sorry." He said with a gentle tone.

"Why?" The younger girl wanted to know his reasoning for betraying the camp, betraying their friendship-- It was a short friendship, as she only knew him for a few months before everything else happened, but she had been the closest to him out of everyone in camp.

"The gods don't care about us, Li. They use us to do their dirty laundry, they think we're some kind of soldiers to control. Look at how they treat the kids back at camp. The unclaimed kids-- those out in the world left to fend for themselves against the monsters. They don't care about us!" Luke felt his anger grow each second he thought about it.

Lilith had understood the reasoning behind his betrayal, but she didn't understand why he would turn his back against his family? The kids in camp who looked up to him.

"Luke, I know that. But you know they can't because its forbidden."

"Exactly! The gods- Lilith-- they come down to mess around with mortals and leave them behind with kids, demigod kids! They need to take responsibility for their actions! Look at the kids back in camp Li! Children who are forced to fight when kids their age are supposed to worry about whether they're allowed to eat ice cream, or play in the park-- not worry about whether they'll make it out alive the next year!" He fumed.

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