Chapter 9 - 🎶 Good Vibrations 🎶

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(Edited January 7, 2024)

- One Week Later -

Finally! I've made enough money to buy a decent vibrator! Huzzah!

I've recently gotten various commissions from the Furry community after showcasing my own Fursona.. Furry's are willing do dish out major of cash for art of their fursonas.. just saying. My first commission paid for both of my toys!

Anyway, I ordered a vibrator and dildo online using my Debit card that Gabriel helped me get. Since we don't exactly have a mailbox.. I had the package sent to a local sex shop for me to pickup.. But here's the problem.. I need someone to bring me there so I can pick it up... I can't ask Sam or Dean, that would be way too awkward.. So who the hell do I ask?

Cas? No. Don't want to corrupt him.. Lucifer? No, he'll just laugh at me.  Michael? No, I don't know him well enough.. but he's too much of a sweet cinnamon roll anyways.... Gabriel....? Yep. He's gotta be my best bet. I don't want the boys to know.. Best if I call him now.. He did tell me I could pray for him anytime..

"Hey uh.. Gabriel?" Holding a hand to my chest, I look up slightly. Hoping that he will answer my biblical bat signal.

Gabriel appears with a soft flutter, laying across my bed sucking on a bright red lollipop. "Heya Sugar, whatcha need from your Sugar Daddy?" Wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, he lays in the 'paint me like one of your french girls' pose.

Snorting softly at the nickname, he smiles at me. "Hey Gabe, I was wondering if you could.. take me-" Gabriel visibly perks up for a second. "Somewhere?" Deflating immediately.  Cheeky fucking angel. Shaking my head side to side with a chuckle.

"Sure Sugarplum.. but may I ask why you didn't ask tweedle Dum or Dee? Or one of my bros? Why me? I'm just curious." Gabriel raises a brow as he looks me up and down not subtly.

"Uh.. You're the most.. open minded..? And woke?" This gathers Gabriel's interest, sitting up from his laying position, he looks at me with curiosity. Slurping on his Lollipop, he takes it out vanishing it.

"Okay, now you've got me curious.. Where is it that you need to go to Sugarplum?"

"Um.. Good.. Stuff..?" The local sex store where I ordered my toy from..?

Gabriel freezes a pink hue rising to his cheeks. "Ahem.. and why are we going.. there..? Exactly?" Gabriel's heart pounds in his chest. Various naughty scenarios running through his head.. all of them starring Emily as the star.

"I need to pick up something I ordered online.. Since we don't exactly have a mail box... I-I wouldn't ask if I could go by myself but I can't drive... But I trust you Gabe."

"Sure thing Sugar! I-I can take you.. Wanna go uh.. right now?" Gabriel's heart pounds in his chest, startling himself a little bit.

"Y-Yeah.. Please?" Smiling wide he gets up off my bed quickly, walking towards me. Standing in front of me in two long steps.

"Sure thing Sugar. Just hold on tight." Wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulls me close to him. My chest pressed against his, causing my boobs to smush. The hold leaving virtually no space in-between our bodies... Think those wholesome christian thoughts Emily.. even though you believe in Science..

The world around me spins as we're suddenly somewhere else. "There you go. Just outside of the store. Do you uh.. Mind if I come in to..? I may want to add some toys to my collection." A certain heat is added to Gabriel's eyes as he stares into mine. Jesus Christ..

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