Chapter 35 - 🔞 UwU? 🍋

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Authors Note: Sorry for the hiatus! I've been busy taking care of my grandfather and a whole bunch of other sad stuff. I've recently had the urge to write again, so I plan on finishing this as well as my Loki/Bucky fanfic! If you haven't heard, I also have written two Twilight Isekai stories if you wish to read them!

- Next Day -

Curled up in the middle of the nest, multiple wings wrapped protectively around me as I sleep peacefully. Mike and Lucifer having switched out with Cas and Gabe after I fell asleep.. None of them wanting to leave me alone or leave the house or room until they are certain I'm okay.

Opening my eyes sleepily Gabriel notices I'm awake and greets me with a loving smile. "Morning Honeybun. Sleep well?" I stretch out like a sleepy kitten with my arms above my head.

"Hm? Yeah.." I rub my eyes, getting all the 'sleepy seeds' off my face.

"It's gonna be your birthday in a week. You excited?" Gabriel raises a brow with a smirk as he drags his fingers up my bare spine lazily.

"Not really, just means I'm a step closer to the grave. Birthdays have lost all meaning to me anymore.. Just another day." I shrug it off as I lay back down. Enjoying being in the nude for once.. Always wanted to sleep naked.

"Is there anything you want to do today?" Cas asks as his feathers glide along my skin.

"Can.. Can I get out of the room..?" I look at them wearily and they look at each other. Taking a deep breath Gabriel answers my question.

"I.. I uh.. don't see why not.. Where do you wanna go?"

"I wanna go see Sam and Dean, Cas said Sam had something to give to me right?" I turn around and look at Cas who nods.

"Indeed. Sam has an item to pass along to you. Why don't you get dressed and we shall fly you there." Cas says with a smile.

"Okay!" I say with a large smile, quickly getting up and out of the nest while Gabriel conjures up some of my clothes.

- Lucifer POV -

Perching on the edge of the building, I look across the street and see movement inside the building. My eyes glow red with my rage as I clench my jaw. My fists shaking as I take a deep breath to re center myself.

"It seems he has returned to the scene of the crime.. Jack was right, they truly do return.. I must get him more documentary's." Michael comments as he steps up beside me, glaring down at the shop as the fae scrambles around inside.

"You get the portal. I'll handle the bastard." Standing back up straight, I crack my knuckles with a sadistic grin. Michael nods in agreement as we both fly down to do our tasks.

Walking up to the glass door I knock on it. Peering inside I see a man look at me wearily before approaching. Fool. Opening the door he peaks his head out. "Can I help you? We are closed.."

"Hi.. Yeah are you Issac? The owner?" I ask as I put my hands in my pockets, watching as he squirms under my gaze.

"Uhm... yeah that's me.."

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