Chapter 9

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Bellas pov

,,I'm serious! I made a friend!" I shout back.

,,So you were out till now with a friend?" My mom asks me again but with a quite confused and concerned voice as if she doesn't believe me.


,,So what did you do? You know you can't stay this late and not even tell me and your dad that you're coming late. We have to know. What if someone kidnapps you?"

,,Mom you know that wouldn't happen. Who would like to kidnap me of all girls?"

,,Don't say that! You can't know..."

,,Whatever!" I say and run upstairs.

Gosh I hate it when my parents ask me 100 questions just about one thing. Why can't they just be like the parents of other girls in movies who just do their thing. Go out and get in without any trouble or hearing about life lessons.
This is really getting on my nerves, even though I can understand them. They're just concerned. Still it pisses me off sometimes.

I throw my backpack next to my desk and instantly change into my comfy clothes so I can lay down on my bed. I put on a basic white short with fluffy socks and a shirt, when suddenly my phone rings up.
One message.
And it doesn't surprise me seeing Lukes name on it.

~ Hey, I already miss you kinda. I loved it today. Wanna come tomorrow to dinner with me and my brothers? You can get to know them.

~ you have brothers? I write him surprised.

~ Uhm no not really. They're actually my uncles but kinda my brothers you know. I don't see them as uncles when we are not much apart from age. Just strange calling them uncle. Brother fits better yk.

Yeah thanks for this long explanation but it still doesn't make sense.
I chuckle.

~ so dinner tomorrow? I think I have time:)
I answer

Lukes pov

I punch into the air out of excitement like a fricking kid. How easy she just said yes.

I open contacts and call Vincent. He instantly picks up cause of course he doesn't have anything else to do, since he's all busy with his "rest days". Since he was diagnosed (to our surprise) with a borderline-syndrom, my dad refused to let him continue working so he would stay away from all these factors which might reinforce some kind of emotions in him.
This syndrome explains all his strong emotions and the abruptly changing mood out of nowhere. It's known as a personality disorder or something like that.

In conclusion this means his life's kinda boring now. But it's better than risking him to fall into his old skin again.

But good for me, he's always the first one reachable.

,,What's up" he says with a sleepy voice.

,,Dinner tomorrow. With my girlfriend. At stephen's Bar"

,,Bar? Really? Oh boy just bring her to a luxurious restaurant. And since when do you introduce your girls? Is it serious with her?"

,,You coming too. The others too. Tell them"

,,Ohhhhh" he sighs with a painful voice ,,Just don't include me"

,,Hey man you became fucking boring. Just come out of your little shitty cave."

,,You know I like it boring" he conters.

,,Are you depressed?"

I hear laugher on the other side.

,,No dude like seriously, are you depressed? Do you miss your old days with splashing some blood out of a human body? You literally lost your meaning of life. You have to find another one bro. Just find something new to focus on in life"

,,Okay shut up I'm coming"
He hangs up.

I sigh. I somehow pity him. I know how it is to kill people and I can't imagine quitting that. It's a relief to cut the throat of someone who just pisses you off. Like you don't have to try to calm down your aggressions. You can just find relieve in killing. It's just refreshing.

I lay down my phone and put my clothes off. Then I slide under the cover and try to fall into a deep sleep with I hope so pretty dreams.

Bellas pov

It's the next day and already 6 pm. In one hour Luke will be here and I have to be ready by then.
If I'd have a best friend, she would've helped me to get dressed.
But I don't.

After some try on's I decided to wear my best pair of skinny jeans, since I don't have a dress or anything. On top of that I'm going to steal a bluse from my mother. I already know which one. Every time she goes on important meetings, she wears exactly this one red bluse. It's still beautiful even after 1000 times seeing it. It looks soft and still hot. A bluse with a V-neckline and little details.

I put it on and after that I do my makeup. I should say I try to do my makeup but I look like a clown.
So I remove it and only put on some mascara and gloss.

This should be enough.
But I just can't help but feeling dumb right now. Why do girls even put effort on dressing up for a guy? Why do I have the feeling that I have to look good for him. Not only for me but also for him. I want him to see me. I want him to think that I'm beautiful. And I hate this feeling. There's no other boy I want to think that of me. Just him.

I grab my little black bag and put my glasses on. For the first time I try to let my long hair open.

Hopefully it wont get full of food when I'm eating.

The door bell rang and I jumped off, running downstairs and literally tearing the door apart.

Luke raises his eyebrows of shock and I blush when I realized how weird that was just now.

But I don't let him say anything and just shove him off.
Fuck I forget to tell him he should wait in his car for me and not ring the door. I don't want my mom to see him and bombing me with questions. 
,,Wait in the car" I just let him know and he slowly made his way back.

While I was putting on my shoes suddenly someone grabs my arm.

,,If your dad sees you like this.."


,,Just don't be too late" she says and tries to look out of the door.

,,Where is your Friend?"

,,Waiting for me. Bye. Love you." I kiss her cheek and close the door.

I let my glance wander and find Lukes car behind our big tree. (Which has to be cut down but we still haven't even manage to renovate the whole house).

I jump into the car and close the door and I instantly feel my heart pounding. God I can't breath. I can't manage to look over. I can't look him in his eyes.

,,Bella" He says sharply.

I slowly turn my head in his direction and meet his glowing eyes.

,,Jesus christ" He takes a deep breath and turns his face away from me. Then he clears his throat and meets my gaze again. ,,You look good Bella. Really good."

I blush and turn away ,,Just start driving"

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