Chapter 23

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Bellas POV:

Bellas POV:

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I'm angry. I thought now Luke wouldn't lock me in this room. Though I'm glad he brought me books cause I can't look Carlos in the eyes after what happened. When we walked out of the dining hall I saw him smirking down at my embarrassed self. He must be so happy that I'm quiet.

I lay there on my stomach on top of the big bed and read an old classic.
There's nothing I can do besides this...I already gave up. I won't hurt my head more by thinking about what to do, when there literally is nothing. I can't go out. Not from the window and not from the door either when Carlos is guiding me. 

I'm still embarrassed but after I finished the book a few minutes ago I thought ‚why do I care what a big grumpy guy thinks?'

„You know, I actually considered you being mute. Then you talked. So I take it you just don't like talking to me and I would like to know why." I ask him and when his eyes lock on mine my face starts burning. He heard everything I did with Luke. I thought it was okay but this shit is embarrassing.

I feel like he saw me naked even though he probably just heard me. But it's like I gave him already all my privacy.

And he doesn't answer of course...

,,I have to go to the toilet'' I say.
He looks at me again and I think his eyebrows raised out of surprisement.

,,I have to go to the toilet'' I say again and smirk. Why does it feel like I have the upper hand now.

He sighed and steps aside.

I instantly walk to the door and open it, when he grabbed my wrist and made me look at him.

,,Don't forget that I'm behind you''

I sigh and roll my eyes.
Of course the first time he talks to me he threatens me. I wonder what he will do if I start running now?

„You know, when we get back to the room you will play games with me. Luke brought some card games when he brought me the books. I can't play such a game with myself so he probably thought you will play with me. And as you are one of his subordinates you don't want to go against orders right?"

He seems to think about what I just said and tenses after the realization in his eyes.
Now he knows that he has to play with me. He has no other choice because he knows I'll tell Luke if he doesn't.

,,So where's the bathroom?'' I ask casually and he leads me.

When we reached the room he waits outside.
I immediately let my gaze wander around the room for something I'd might need. For a...scissor...or just a hair clip. Since heres inly a small window which I can't reach I have to look for things I can bring with me.
I open a drawer and find a first aid kid.

I open it and find scissors inside.
Yes. I smile of my inner pride and stand up again. I put one of them in my back pocket of my jeans and before I open the door I take a look in the mirror. My hair is a whole mess and I really look bad. I need a shower.

I open the door and look at Carlos. „Why didn't you tell me I look like shit? That's how I ate with Luke's family? I will shower. Go and organise me some clothes." I try closing the door right after saying this but he grabs the door and doesn't let me close it.

„What are you doing?" I ask him in an annoying tone.

„I can't leave here. If you want to shower you should wait until the Boss allows you."

„You're saying I need permission to shower?"


„You've got to be kidding me. Bring me to Luke this mom-„ I remember the scissors in my pants. Luke would find out. So without saying another word I start walking back to my room. Carlos doesn't ask why I changed my mind. In fact he doesn't talk at all.

I stomp back and forth in Lukes room with crossed arms. Slowly I'm starting to completely loose my mind. I can't stay here any longer. I have to do something. Right now.

Carlos follows me with his alert eyes. I think he already might sense my impatience.

Maybe I should hit him. He can't hit me back right? Luke would be furious if he did.

Oh gosh I really lose my mind.
I ruffled through my hair and stop when someone opens the door.
Luke entered exhausted the room and waves Carlos away. 

I watched him as he throws his jacket to the ground and silently just grabs me and immediately throws us to the bed.

Now I lay there with my back on his body and his face hiding in my hair, deeply inhaling my scent.
And my whole body shivers.

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