Ch. 31 - The Contractual Anime Training Arch Any OP Protagonist Needs: Part 2

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Fresh rubbed his chin in thought, shades stating HM-MM. It was his turn.

The bot was at 12/40 HP.

"Y'know what broski's?" Fresh said to his team. "I'mma let you rad guys take the first rounds of these upcomin' epic battles for yo'selves, bros." He reluctantly Spared the bot and it was Spiffy's turn. "I'd just up and annihilate the bot again. That wouldn't be very conducive to our radical training."

He kinda low-key really liked the sound of their soul shattering as their bat made impact, but he should let his team mates practice first seeing as they had potential.

... maybe he should be a little worried about how guilt-free he felt over the experience. It was completely different from when he thought it was his fault Outertale Frisk and Chara took a fall into the Void. Maybe it was his code subconsciously recognising the need to take this bot out as a threat.

Kinda like how Spiffy and Snasy still emanate that weird magic feeling that was still clinging to them, though now with a less dangerous/unknown aura. He could just feel something off.

"You don't have to let us hold you back from your own training." They gave Fresh a reassuring smile before holding up their yo-yo's toward the bot. "Improve at your own pace."

Snasy gave an encouraging thumbs up showing they supported the take.

Fresh rubbed his neck, realizing they were right. It would be about an hour before the hacker showed up - longer if they weren't in a hurry. Before he thought that would be plenty of time to get practice and then some. And for Spiffy and Snasy, that should still hold true - it was Fresh that would need more time.

But he was still going to keep sparing for the first round.

It took a moment of Spiffy not moving before they spoke again, yo-yo's back at their sides.

"I uh. Can't actually yo-yo." They admitted. "Guess I'll use the keyboard lol."

"Did you just say lol out loud?" Snasy asked amused.

"Yep." They said concentrating on their attacks. "No regrets."

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

14 damage. The soul broke and they were back at Snowdin.

Spiffy groaned. "I was so close."

Fresh gave them a nuggy. "Better luck next time, dawg."

Snasy pat them on the back causing them to almost fall over. "Don't worry about it champ."

They straightened their hat again. "Pfft ... thanks guys."

And so it went for several more loads.

Fresh sparing the first round, Spiffy and Snasy attacking and then usually ending back in Snowden on Fresh's next turn if not before. Though sometimes he would still take the 50 damage hit to draw out practice for the other two. With Spiffy at 40 HP and Snasy at 35, it was still clear that if either of the other two were hit in his place they would be insta-killed. Snasy already found out that they couldn't edit the number as it was a crucial part of their individual souls.

"Hey, I'm gonna try something." Snasy said.

"Last time you said that you deleted breakfast." Spiffy dead panned.

"Pfft, wha?" Fresh reacted, shades now question marks.

Snasy shrugged. "This'll be different."

On their turn to the surprise of both Fresh and Spiffy, they didn't use their keyboard. Holding two lawn darts like throwing knives, they took aim. They were surprisingly accurate in both damage output and aim, managing to graze the soul.

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