Ch. 68 - DoS

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(A/N: ... i swear i didn't plan this timing to the AO3 thing 💀 i was doing an Uno, DoS, Tries chapter name thing.

not that DoS and DDoS are the same, but tomato tomato)


<Well ... looks like someones about to bite off more than they can chew.> Void mused.

"Oh? What's happening?" Karma looked up from sweeping, his pink apron clashing with his leather jacket.

After Fate had been taken away, most Deities had left to their own homes to monitor the universe and do the things they do with downtime. Void had decided to accompany Karma to his home to assist in some spring cleaning when invited - not that he had done much except sit and chat while Karma did the cleaning.

<I have just received word from the Gasters that a certain high profile Hacker has just broken through the firewalls segregating Underplayer from the rest of the multiverse.>

"... that sounds like it could become problematic." Karma worried, setting a broom to the side and poking his head over Void's shoulder to look at the message that had popped up.

Void waved the concern off. <Nonsense. Player didn't get the Beta Testing position by being a pushover - they basically pioneered the Soul Gaming Interface.> Void opened a viewing portal looking back at Karma. <They'll be fi->

"Is that a DoS attack?" Karma deadpanned, having been the one looking.

<...!?> Void's head swiveled to focus on the screen.

The Hacker had indeed sent a type of DoS attack on Player in attempts to overwhelm their computer. However, they underestimated Player's computer(s) processing power.

<... Mary Sue sure does not hold back.> Void stated, naming the offending Hacker. <A full siege the instant they gain access? Seriously?>

Karma shook his head in contempt as the two watched the code battle. "Truly abhorrent behavior. However, Player is not one to hold back either."

Player activated their alternate accounts in a counter DoS of a different type while their Avatars battled it out in a turn based Encounter.

<At this rate they will both end up crashing out of the multiverse and take that AU with them ...>

Karma huffed displeased at the pointlessness of the fight.

"If Mary Sue truly wanted to play a conquering game, could she have not downloaded some mobile game?" He complained, crossing his arms. "There is truly no need to modify the multiverse around her to get what she wants out of a Game. Especially when it infringes on the enjoyment of others."

<Agreed. It is both bane and boon that she is not connected via the Soul Interface to the Multiverse, limiting the Code she can access, unlike Player. Perhaps she would have acted more compassionate had she been. But perhaps not.>

They watched them fight for a few moments in silence before the two Hackers blipped out of the multiverse.

In the distance of the Deity Realm, Time and Space let out twin wails of despair as their workload increasing.

"... did they just crash the entirety of the internet itself?" Karma asked, flabbergasted.

<... I believe they did.> Void agreed, likewise surprised.

"Well ... I doubt either of them will be on any time soon. Their time, that is." Karma retrieved his broom and returned to collecting dust into a pan. "It's a good thing that we are not reliant on a single external reality to be perceived or that could have been devastating with the sudden extended loss of Players and Hackers."

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