fifty three | watching

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"Changed your mind?" My voice becomes squeaky as my throat closes up. The idea of losing Elijah makes my head spin and my heart ache. "A week? You can't—"

"I can do whatever the fuck I want." His eyes narrow and he steps closer. "Who is going to stop me? You?" I can't wait to make him cry and beg for mercy.

I dig my nails into my palms, forcing myself to stay in place. Firstly, Elijah can't see me fight and kill Antonio. And secondly, I have a plan, and attacking him in a parking lot is not part of it.

"Please, it's too soon. I won't be able to—" He cuts me off again.

His hand grabs a fistful of my top and forces me closer to him. "I've been fair, Bree?" Fair?!? "You could have completed your task a long time ago. You're wasting my time and I hate it when people waste my time. Get it done." He shoved me backwards and I trip on the gravel, landing in . . . a pair of muscular arms?

I turn. "Elijah, go back to the car! I've got this."

He doesn't seem to hear me. His eyes are narrowed at Antonio. "Didn't your mom teach you not to hurt women?" His jaw clenches.

"What are you going to do about it, mama's boy?" Antonio taunts. He clicks his neck. A satisfied smile on his face, knowing Elijah won't do anything.

I take Elijah's hand and squeeze it. "Let's just go," I say and start pulling him away. He lets me.

"You're pathetic," Antonio calls after us. "You do everything she says. That little slut has got you wrapped around her finger!"

Elijah pulls away from me and, in an instant, punches Antonio on the jaw. Oh no! My hands cover my mouth. Antonio's head swings to the side from the impact. Shit, shit, shit!

Antonio has serious anger issues. There is no way he is the 'forgive and forget' type. Something bad is going to happen. He's going to fight back, and he is going to win. If I can't win against Antonio yet, Elijah doesn't stand a chance.

As Antonio acknowledges what happened. Amusement flashes in his eyes. He wanted this to happen. He planned it.

He knocks Elijah over with the swift motion of his leg, pins him against the ground and starts throwing punches. Elijah fights back as hard as he can, managing to throw a few punches back at Antonio, but he is no match.

Antonio starts to strangle Elijah and he coughs, not able to breath. He holds onto Antonio's wrists.

"Stop! Please," I beg and try to pull Antonio away. He doesn't budge. Elijah's eyes flutter shut, and my heart skips a beat.

I kick Antonio's side and punch him as hard as I can. He releases Elijah and stands up. "Bree, I knew you were stupid but did you really fucking punch me?" He slowly starts walking towards me and I back away because I know what he is capable of. He pulls out a knife.

I know I'm not the best person, but I don't deserve to die in an empty parking lot. I continue stepping backwards, hoping nothing will block my path, but refusing to take my eyes off my boss. "I had to do something. You were going to kill him!"

"That's the point, isn't it?" He tilts his head to the side.

I open my mouth to reply, but I can't. He is right, the plan was to kill Elijah. I can't argue. What would I say? That I changed my mind?

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