thirty three | kitchen

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I climb out Jamie's shower and wrap a towel around my body. It took a while to get rid of the chocolate, but I'm sure it was worse for Jamie to get the flour and milk out his hair.

Jamie left some of his clothes on the bed for me to change into, since mine are now covered in chocolate. I quickly pull a pair of his sweatpants on and a plain black shirt.

When I check myself out in the bathroom mirror, I chuckle. I've seen this shirt on Jamie before, and it hugs all of his muscles nicely, but on me it looks like a completely different shirt.

I walk downstairs and a message pops up from Elijah. It's a photo of his brownies which are already baked. "Damn it," I mumble.

Underneath the photo it says 'I win' and a winky-face emoji.

I walk into the kitchen and pull the brownies out the oven once the timer goes off, then I set it aside to let it cool.

I clean up the counters and the floor, which have flour, milk and chocolate all over it. Then I start doing the dishes, even though I hate doing it, because it's Jamie's house and he let me use his kitchen.

I may be a killer but I'm not rude.

Jamie walks in with his towel wrapped around his head like a turban. He used the guest shower because he wanted me to use his shower, which didn't really make sense but I don't care as long as I'm clean.

"You didn't have to clean everything," he tells me as I put the last dish on the side to dry.

"Too late," I mumble and wash my hands, feeling gross.

Once my hands are dry, I turn back to Jamie and chuckle. "Why are you wearing the towel like that? You have barely any hair to dry."

He shrugs. "It's fun." I pull it off and put it to the side, which makes him pout.

My phone chimes and I pull it out.

Where are you? - Elijah

I send a quick response back, sighing over the fact that he won and all my efforts were for nothing.

I'm at Jamie's place - Bree

I glance up and watch Jamie re-do the turban on top of his head. He grins when it's twisted and tucked in.

He is in shorts with no shirt on. "Thanks for letting me borrow some of your clothes," I say.

"I mean, I did smear chocolate all over yours, so..."

I roll my eyes. "Don't remind me."

He goes and grabs a brownie then hands me one, too. We both take a bite at the same time and I cringe at the taste.

"Ew, it's disgusting," I state.

"Well, yeah, it's potent because of the weed. Obviously you're going to taste the pot in pot brownies," he says in a 'duh' tone. "Unless you put mint or something in to lessen the taste a bit."

"Look at you, mister weed expert."

He smiles.

I quickly finish the rest of the brownie and Jamie does, too. We both lean back against the counter, standing side by side.

After a little while of silence, I whisper, "I don't feel anything."

"It takes a while to kick in."

"How long is a while?"

"Weed affects everyone differently so you never really know," he explains. "We should order food 'cause we will definitely get hungry later."

"Order for Elijah, too. I think he is coming over." Jamie nods and picks up the phone to order takeaway.

A little while after Jamie has ordered food— trust me when I say he ordered enough to feed a village— someone rings the doorbell.

Jamie opens the door and I see Elijah standing with his brownies on a tray. He's looking right at me with an arrogant smirk on his stupid face.

I turn to look at anything other than the boy who is grinning at me as if he won the lottery. Jamie shuts the door after Elijah steps into the house, and we all go to the kitchen.

Elijah puts his brownies down next to mine. I turn to look at Jamie as an excuse to turn my back to Elijah, because I hate losing. There is no way he didn't get help, but I can't complain because I got help, too.

"How does it feel to lose?" Elijah rubs it in, because he knows me enough to know that I am an extremely sore loser.

He wraps his arms around me from behind and leans his chin down on my shoulder. I step away from him, not because I don't want his arms around me, but because having him so close to me doesn't feel as wrong as it should.

Brushing the worry about what might be going on away, I place my hands on my hips. "Well, I was in Jamie's bedroom, naked and covered in chocolate, so who is the real loser here?" I tease.

"You were what?" He looks down to see what I'm wearing. "Why are you in his clothes?" He looks at Jamie and his frown deepens. "Why are you shirtless?" he questions.

"I mean, your kitchen wasn't big enough, right...?" I say slowly. "Jamie's is definitely big enough."

Jamie laughs at the innuendo but covers it with a cough. Elijah narrows his eyes at Jamie. "Why were you covered in chocolate?" he asks me.

I decide to piss Elijah off and say, "So he could lick it off me."

He slowly walks up to Jamie. "Is this true? If it is, I'm sure Alex would love to know all about it."

"No! I mean, it is true; she was naked and covered in chocolate while in my room. I did lick the chocolate off her..." Elijah looks really mad. "But we didn't have sex! I licked it off her cheek— her actual cheek n-not her... h-her, you know. We were only messing around— I mean, no! We weren't messing around like that. W-We... f*ck!"

Jamie has gone completely red and he is shaking his head, at a complete loss for words.

"Good. I know you're my best friend, but touch her and you're dead," Elijah threatens.


How are you guys?

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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