15. Calm before Storm (Edited)

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Eliza's POV

I woke up and it was 5 in the morning. I suddenly started thinking about last night. It was really a close call. I don't know how to face them again now. I have troubled them so much.

They all seem so nice but can someone really love me. I want to trust then but I can't bring myself to trust them. what should I do?

I asked while clutching the pandent that my mother gave me. Thay don't like me I guess. That's why they threw me out. I don't want to be abused again. I'm broken now.

I want to talk to someone. Someone I trust. I can't even meet or call Ivan. I hope he's okay.

Okay now coming to the main question, 'how even I'm going to face them' I asked myself panicking.

I decided to just act normal and pretend like nothing happened. I tried to sit straight but immediately groaned feeling the pain in my back and ankle. My stomach and ribs are also bruised but the pain in back and ankle are overpowering them.

I got up taking support of the wall and door of the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror. I....don't know who this girl was. Dull eyes, pale skin, scars all over her body and internally broken.

I'm hating myself again. I can't go in that phase again. No...no I can't. No one will save me from that mistake again.

I turned around and saw blood.

Oh Shoot..!!

I guess the wounds opened again on my back because of maybe I was thrashing and also in panic attack. Thank god nobody saw.

I immediately did my morning routine and changed my clothes to new ones and I still have to set my closet. It was 6:30 by the time I got ready.

Now it's time to go downstairs.
I slowly peeked out of my room.
Left- clear
Right- clear

Let's go.

I came out of the room and shut the door. Then I descended towards the stairs.

Now I was going to kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. I was sneakily going in kitchen avoiding making any noise.

As I was about to enter the kitchen, I first thought to check if someone was there. I peeked in kitchen and suddenly a hand came on my shoulder.

"Ahh" I freaked out suddenly and turned around.

"Haha... You almost peed your pants. Your face was so funny" It was Taylor who decided to sneak up on me.

Dad, who was in the living room came running after hearing my voice. He observed the situation and knew what would have happened.

He greeted me and I greeted back. He then left to go to living room.

I turned to Taylor who was still grinning looking at me.

"That was not funny. " I said pretending to be angry.

"By the way, how are you early today?" I asked.

"Ohh... Today we had a basketball practice." He replied while going in the kitchen and taking what I think is protein shake.

"We? " I asked.

"Me and Dustin." He answered.

"Ohh... You know I'm also good in basketball to be honest I'm a champion." I said proudly.

Before Taylor could answer a voice came from behind me.
"Ohh really... Wanna have a match Miss. champion? "

I jumped at the sudden voice and turned to see Dustin practically smirking at me. He was not believing I'm good in basketball and was mocking me.

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