23. Saved (Edited)

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Third person's pov

All were frozen including Ryan who was looking at his feet and froze their.

Eliza and twins were frozen with fear. They never expected the person to be Ryan. But what done was done. Ryan slowly raised his head and looked at them. And God he was angry but some anger diminished after seeing Eliza.


They were still frozen and Ryan went to his room most probably to change.

Tyler immediately stopped the recording but didn't forget to save it.

They all looked at each other and started laughing. Even though they knew they were doomed but they can't deny the fact that it was funny.

Once they realised what was coming they spoke no word. Just sighed and went to living room.

All the way looking down and guilty.

All were sitting there except Ryan. Ethan was in kitchen with Noah and Dustin and Dad were talking about something.

"What happened kids? " Dad asked.

Now everyone's attention was on us.
Ethan and Noah came to the living room too and Noah was having a glass of what looked like water.

"Dad ask this, what did you all do? " Ethan asked.

Twins and Eliza looked at each other and Eliza decided to speak.

"Umm.. Actually we were going to prank Ethan but-" She was cut off by Dustin.

"You guys broke something? " He asked.

"No, it was to drench Ethan with water and the prank was successful but we got the wrong person" She said nervously chuckling.

"But no one here is dren- Don't tell me you gu-" Ethan spoke thinking.

"Yes we drenched Ryan"

Just as she spoke, Noah's water which was in his mouth came out as a spray.

"WHAT" He said loudly and coughing.

Before anyone could say anything Ryan came downstairs changed but still his hair were wet.

"They pranked you? " Ethan said suddenly laughing looking at Ryan and everyone chuckled including Twins and Eliza.

Ethan quietened looking at Ryan's serious face.

Ryan turned to us and spoke,
"You guys, what was THAT? "

"You were not our target" Taylor said nervously.

"Whose idea was this? " He spoke but this time calmly and this calmness felt like it was before storm.

"Mine" Eliza said in a small voice.

This time Dustin laughed but immediately shut after noticing Ryan's glare.

"Why did you come to his room? " Tyler asked blaming Ryan.

"This is none of your business" He said nonchalantly.

"Twins you both are grounded for 2 days and no phones and parties. Also you'll both do 2 hour extra workout for whole week. " Ryan said announcing and leaving no room for discussion.

Twins groaned.

" Do you want to make it 2 weeks? " He asked.

Twins immediately shook their head.

"And you missy, what should I punish you with, you don't use phone, don't party, and you can't do workout because of your foot." He said thinking deciding her punishment.

"Okay since this is your first time getting in trouble, you're exempted but don't expect this again from me." He said and hearing this everyone were shocked.

He dismissed and went back to his way to room.

Twins were shocked and felt betrayed.

"How? " Noah asked shocked.
"He loves her too much to give her punishment" Dad said smiling.

"He doesn't love us" Twins said dramatically.

"Oh that's a fact, even I love Eliza more than anyone" Ethan replied.

Eliza was still shocked. She was sure she was going to be punished.

"Well how was he looking drenched in water? " Dad asked.

Twins and Eliza looked at each other and started laughing.

"Too bad I missed such scene" Dustin spoke.

"Don't worry brother we got you" Tyler said while showing his phone indicating he recorded it.

Thay all hurdled near dad and Dustin to see the video and it was perfect.

It would be an understatement to say it was funny because it was funny af to watch Ryan all drenched in water.
They all were laughing and joking about Ryan.

"You get 100 points for this idea Liz" Noah said while laughing.

"You guys were going to do this to me?" Ethan said while raising an eyebrow.

"Well you're the least scary brother, so yeah" Taylor said shrugging.

On this Ethan was speechless since they were kind of right.

They all were laughing looking at Ryan's video on repeat, even dad was laughing after so long. Ryan was also looking at them secretly with a smile which he didn't notice came to his face after so long.

Eliza's pov

I was responsible for the prank but twins got punished. Ryan would be so disappointed.
But all were happy around me.
I was happy.
I was not scared from any of them now.
I used to stutter in front of them. I used to flinch whenever they raised their hand even if their intentions were not wrong.
I used to hate the idea of a brother or father but now I'm loving it.
They are loving me.
A broken girl like me.
And I can't be more thankful to them.
Maybe they can really fix me.
Maybe I can really live a normal life again.

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