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"Listen, I'm warning you for the last time, if you don't get up right away, you won't like the conservative" Monami warned pulling the duvet off of Sid.

"Let me sleep nah, please. It's too early. " He answered pulling the duvet back to cover himself. "

" Sid. Are you getting up or should I make you do it myself in my way?? " She warned again in a dangerous voice.

" Five more minutes please, just five minutes. " He pleaded curling into a ball.

"Okay." She said walking away then coming back another moment.

"aaaaaahhhhhhhh!! " Sid screamed sitting up and looked around to search the clouds that rained on him in this close room. And then his eyes fell on smirking Monami.

"What the hell Monu??. Are you mad??" He shouted wiping his face with his sleeves. "Which asshole gave you doctor's degree?? What if I catch fever?? " And don't you know it's necessary to complete eight hours of sleep?? " He said  looking up to glare at her.

"I'm sorry Sid, I disturbed your beauty sleep" She said making a guilty face. " Do you know what the time is you idiot?? " She shouted suddenly making him flinch.

"Oh shit. It's already 3:00 PM. " He mumbled looking at the wall clock and jumps from the bed running towards the bathroom.

Meanwhile in the Army quarters

" Why the hell are you so cruel?? Who wakes up someone like this?? Allah miyaan will never forgive you for these sins that you are doing on innocent me. " Faizy said being over dramatic as slumped back into his pillow.

"I don't know about Allah Miyaan, but if I don't find you ready in thirty minutes, nobody will be able to save you from me. " Karan said giving him a deadly glare.

"Thirty minutes?? Why?? Are we going somewhere?? "  Faizy asked sitting up.

"Deolali. Batra sir called. We have to report at Paraakram SAF for an important mission by six o'clock. " Karan explained.

"Okay. I'll be ready. " He said walking inside the bathroom while Karan dials a number.

" Hello!! Reach Paraakram by six o'clock "

"I'll be there Sirji!! " Answer came from the other side of the line.


" Jai hind Sir!! " All three officer Greeted entering inside the office of Colonel Batra.

" Jai Hind. Hope y'all are doing fine?? " Colonel Batra asked.

"Yes sir. " They answered together in a controlled voice.

" Good. I needed you fine. We have to execute a mission and I want you three to lead it. Are you ready?? "

"Yes Sir. " The trio answered in full energy and colonel gave them a proud look

"Alright. So the mission is to train civilians. To teach them all the soldierly techniques so they can help around the people when it's needed. Mission 'Ghar Ghar Mein Soldier'.

The Trio exchanges weird looks.

" What happened?? Any issue agents?? " Colonel asked eyeing them suspiciously.

"Sir, I'm sorry Sir. But training the civilians isn't mission sir. It's a punishment posting. " Karan said lowering his head.

"Do you both think the same ?? " Colonel asked the other two officers who nodded also lowering their heads.
Both: yes sir!!!

" It's n-not that we are talking nonsense sir. You know this is the fact" Sanjana said staring the floor.

"Sir, we can give our lives on boarder. But this-

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