Chapter 4: Alpha Teton

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Alpha Tetons POV

The grand meeting is over and now it's time to strengthen alliances. The last few years have been hard on the pack and they need security and strength. Some have suggested an arranged Luna to round out the pack. My counsel wants me to find my true mate, but I'm years past my coming of age. It's time to start thinking of the future there's no time to doddle on dreams of childhood. War with the other packs may be on the horizon and the pack needs to be ready.
Visiting the packs in alliance is a joyous time for the members of the pack, and a reasonable time to strengthen the bonds between packs. My deltas and epsilons are prepared for anything as the pack travels. My deltas protecting the pack my epsilons caring for the health needs of everyone. The rest of the pack my regular pack members my Zetas are trained to fight and protect the pack but are more skilled in other aspects of our society.
The first pack in allegiance we are traveling to visit is the Hollow Earth Pack. Their pack cares for peace and love and has the leading technology in healing injuries and curing other werewolves' diagnoses. Personally, I think that the "love all" ideals are garbage for leading a pack. They could be taken over at any time with how few warriors they have and their general tenacity. Regardless of my opinion, I would never disrespect another alpha. My father and mother and his father before him have passed down the knowledge and wisdom that strength comes in all shapes and forms. Strength of mind as a wolf is just as important as the strength of body and soul.
My ideals are represented in every pack member, alpha to Eta, young and old. Any pack member regardless of status has expectations of them as a pack member and a wolf. We are strongest as a pack, but we are only as strong as our weakest member. Traveling away from our home grounds is the most tedious aspect of the meetings held. Every year the same things are discussed and no matter how important I would much rather keep the pack firmly where we belong.
These packs in the southern regions are softer and less bonded with their wolves. They believe that the founder was right with technology but wrong with its effects. Not all packs are like that of course but we are animals and we shouldn't behave like anything but. We aren't pure humans and haven't been since the serum was enacted many many generations ago. It's time to live with who we are now and not as if we are a pure society.
At the time that the founder created the serum, the world was on the verge of another major war. All of the world's people wanted equality, justice, unity, and freedom. The serum gave us that opportunity, in the form of healing. The separation of society into packs of their choosing gave a type of peace the world hasn't seen before. There are still humans who hate what we've become, but when a loved one is cured of cancer or other ailments and gets to live another life, it's more understanding to the naysayers.
This is why meeting with the Hollow Earth Pack is important in strengthening the bonds between packs. They are of love and we are of strength but together, we are stronger and more understanding. The traveling between packs is mostly done in vehicles to provide more protection and not to tire our wolves too easily. The long-distance from home serves to grate my nerves but none would see that I'm frustrated.
Finally, after traveling much farther south from the grand meeting and home we reach the Hollow Earth Pack. The landscape stretches from end to end with field after field with next to nothing but grasses and plants to disturb your view. It holds a certain type of beauty but I can't see how anyone could live without mountains to surround and protect you.
Exiting from the vehicles the pack stretches as the Alpha of Hollow earth pack approaches.
Amelia Justice, Alpha of the pack by blood in her lineage with her mate Justin, approaches all smiles and shakes my hand in a warm greeting.
"Hello, Alpha Teton, great to see you again a year really is too long. Welcome to Hollow earth." Amelia greets fondly
"Yes hello, Alpha Amelia, and Alpha Justin. Thank you for having us. It's a wonderful time of the year to strengthen ties. It seems we have a few more mated pairs between the packs this year a great honor to have a better bond in unity and alliance." I reply with a small smile for pleasantries.
"Yes! Another lucky set of mated pairs how wonderful." She replies cheerfully.
"I would apologize for being so blunt but my pack and I have many others to visit before the month is up and this is only our first stop would you be so opposed to getting the business out of the way right away?" I ask briskly but politely. She runs her hand through her short blond hair with a sigh and a small smirk.
"Work already Alpha? Wouldn't you want to let your pack rest after the long journey?" Again with mirth in her green eyes but more of a playful attitude than serious, she's jerking my chain.
"Ah but yes there is still much farther to travel you see, my pack will feel much better rested after we return to our homelands." I respond trying not to be short-tempered. Her love-all attitude and open happiness is exhausting.
"Yes of course, of course. Right this way, we can do all the paperwork in the main office and you can be on your way before 3 in the afternoon." She gives in easily understanding that there is much work to do ahead of us. Gesturing me inside, I let the pack know that they can relax and mill about, the mated pairs should make decisions now and deduce what needs to be done before we leave. Finally turning back to Alpha Amelia I give her my full attention and walk up the short set of stairs inside and down a few hallways to her main office. Once we get comfortable we are served drinks and snacks, then dive into the paperwork.
After several long hours of reviewing our treaty and pack transfers we finish by 2:30 and I'm ready to leave this pack. Before leaving the alpha introduces me to her daughter Cassandra who just turned 18 this year, only a few years younger than myself. She is a pretty petite woman with fairly long brown hair, good posture, and a women's frame. It's a shame she isn't my mate as she would be a strong Luna or Alpha one day. Her personality takes after much of her mother's strong-willed but kind, gentle, and caring. She is also smart as she wants to be a doctor by choice and has been learning for years.
If it doesn't work out with her mate or if she doesn't find hers I would be comfortable with propositioning her as my chosen Luna. Deciding that enough time has been spent chit-chatting I make my way out and bid them farewell. We have many other meetings to attend over the month and I don't want to be on the road longer than I have to. Outside by the cars, I get my pack's attention to get ready to depart. Then I wave my Beta Elijah over to discuss our itinerary and travel plans.
"Yes Alpha?" He asks planting his feet and placing his hands at his sides.
"Where is the next pack we need to travel to and how long to get there?" I ask feeling impatient to get on the road.
"We need to travel to the Big sky pack next Alpha. The distance from here by car will take 3 days." He replies with a slight grimace on his face. I get the feeling it's because of who we are visiting and not because of how long it will take to get there.
"Very well Elijah let's get going." I can't help but want to grimace as well. Alpha George of the Big Sky pack is a very new alpha and is very superstitious. The last time we met him he was also a right dickhead and he was lucky his father was alpha at the time or else there would have been worse consequences. His father was an upstanding alpha and one of the first to arrive to aid the Mountain Clan pack when we were attacked by the Wood Fell pack. They couldn't save my mother and father but they saved a majority of our pack. I will forever be grateful to his family.
Climbing in the car and moving on our way I hope to find a mate or potential soon so my pack can be stronger so I don't have any repeats of the past.

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