Chapter 8: Fairytale

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-Alpha William Octavius-

Having a mate is so frustrating.
I want her to sleep in the same room as me, but she won't. I can't keep her from other males if she's not in my room. I trust my pack but what if someone comes into her room unannounced? She is going to be the Luna of this pack. What could possibly stop her from staying with me and rising to her rightful place as a leader of this pack?
"Cassandra, please. Stay in my room with me. We are mates, why won't you stay with me?" my voice sounds whiny even to my own ears but an alpha will only beg to his Luna and she hasn't budged or given any reasoning as to why she won't stay with me. My wolf is ready to grab her and finish the mating process. He's horny and possessive, alpha males aren't usually told no.


"Please." Being inside of the packhouse in the common area may not be the best place for this discussion.

"No. I will be given my own room and space, we have already marked each other but I will not stay in your room until I have been introduced to the pack, and we discuss our future." what could she mean? I'm an Alpha she's a Luna what more is there?
"What do you mean our future?" I approach her and hold her hands in my own.

"I know what is expected of me but I'm not ready to settle down and be only the Luna of this pack, I have bigger aspirations and I won't allow being a Luna to be my only achievement. The packs deserve a good leader and leaders try their hardest to be the best for their pack. I need to do the same."

"You are perfect the way you are. You will be a great Luna." she couldn't possibly believe otherwise, what more could she want?

"William." my name on her lips sends a shiver down my spine and my wolf grumbles happily. "I have set out to be a pack doctor, it's part of my roots and was my original intended goal. I need to follow through on my plans or what kind of leader would I be? I understand you need a Luna and I will try my hardest to do both."

I could tell she was begging for me to understand. Most Alphas would deny the right to do anything other than be a Luna. Once you are mated your job is to look after the pack, not your aspirations. I don't believe the same things as those alphas, all that would do to a relationship is breed resentment.
"Okay." her eyes light up and I'm thrilled with my decision as soon as I make it. As long as it makes her happy, what could possibly be wrong with the idea? We can figure anything out as long as we are together.
"Okay?" she confirms
"Yes, okay." she squeals and jumps into my arms locking our lips together. My hands caught her under her bottom and held her to me. My love can have anything she desires.
Soon we had gotten her room set up just how she wanted it, all to herself. Of course it was right next to mine as my wolf wouldn't allow her to be any further away. We set up a meeting for her to meet with the college in town so she can continue to go to school. All of her other credits would transfer over and she could start at the beginning of the next semester.
We planned to hold her welcoming and introduction ceremony with the pack at the end of the week. Which happened to fall on a full moon the most special day of the month.

Everything else after the first bumps in the road seems to be going smoothly and now my beautiful mate doesn't have any idea what's coming. I'm going to take her on the date of a lifetime. I hope.

"My love, are you ready to go?" she turns away from the mirror to look at me a smile gracing her lips. Lips that tempt me to stay in and kiss her all night instead.
"Just another minute Will." she started to call me Will, she's the only one allowed to use the nickname.
As I wait patiently for her to finish getting ready, I admire my beautiful mate. I can't believe I got so lucky. Her beautiful figure is accentuated by a stunning red dress that accents her long legs stopping at her knees. Her figure is that of an Alpha's daughter fit and trained. She's perfect.
Once she is done she turns away from the mirror walks to me and grabs my hand. It doesn't matter that I've been waiting for an hour past when she said she'd be ready. The work she put in for our first date is beyond amazing. My wolf thinks she should have just gone naturally as that's when she's the most beautiful to him. Wolves don't understand the concept of makeup. Honestly, neither do I.
We make our way to my car ready and waiting out front. My beta drives us and another car with a few warriors in it that follows behind us. Along the drive, we discuss small aspects of the coming ceremony and what she would like to have done, what our traditions are.
When we pull up at the restaurant I exit and walk around the car to open her door. Her hand slides smoothly into mine grasping tightly. Her enrapturing eyes held my gaze for a moment, our wolves coming to the forefront and appreciating one another. My beta clears his throat breaking the moment and my wolf lowly growls at him for ruining the moment. He quickly changes to a happier tone when his mate's hand slides across our chest and rubs gently.
A quick peck on her lips later and we make our way into the restaurant.

Thank you for reading, short chapter this time. If you enjoyed the chapter please comment, vote, or share.


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