Chapter 12!

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Mei’s POV

I overheard her jump and I was so pleased. I came downstairs to look after my dad. There he is, watching the news on the TV.

“Dad, can we talk now?”, I asked him, but without turning his head from TV, he replied, “about?”.

"Dad, you said you'd talk about us when Yuzu gets here, too. Now we got Yuzu. So can we talk about that now?" I said monotonously. That's how I sound when I'm mad. Dad always says that I got that from my mom. He's watching TV again, not realizing what I'm saying. I grabbed the TV remote from him and switched off the TV.

“Now.. Dad, can we talk?" I glanced at him. In the meantime, I saw Yuzu come down with jeans shorts and a grey sweater that fit her well.

Dad went to hug her and she was so confused and so scared of an alpha hugging her.

"You resemble her so much, except your hair. You should have had it from your father." He says that to her. Now I get confused too. Well, dad knows about Yuzu's parents. Yes, he said earlier they were good friends of ours.

He entered his bedroom and returned with a photo album. He had Yuzu and I sit beside him. The first photo's my dad with a beautiful lady who looked like Yuzu. The same green eye.

“She's my mom, how did you..." she said enthusiastically. Before she could finish the sentence, Daddy said, "She's my sister".

“What?", Yuzu and I stopped at the same time.

"I cannot say it all now, Mei." All I can say is that you and Yuzu were separated for some reason and The death of my sister and her husband is always shocking, because those are the strongest wolves. We've been trying to find Yuzu ever since. But we were told she was dead too."

“We.....", I asked with confusion. “Yes Mei. We have a task force that is looking for evidence of my sister's death," he sighed.

“Does this mean my parents were murdered?" cried Yuzu.  Dad nodded.

Yuzu is crying now and went to the room slammin' the door. "She wants you now, Mei." Why don't you go comfort her. All the knots will be undone when she becomes wolf-like. Until then, look after her." My father asked me.

I slightly opened the door to see my beautiful mate lying on bed crying. I reached out to her and placed my hands on her shoulder. She hugged me right away and began to sob.

“I did….n’t…. know…. They were killed," she said, amid her tears. I couldn’t take it up and I kissed on her forehead, “Whoever it is Yuzu, we are going to beat them up who killed my aunty and uncle.” I gritted my teeth.

A couple of minutes later, she was asleep in my arms. I hugged her as if I was not going to lose her or let anyone touch her.

Yuzu's been at my house two weeks now. I love all about her and she's a great cook. My dad and I are flattered by her cooking skills and I always crave her food. Dad always highights that she got the cooking skill from his sister. Dad asked me not to show my wolf to her until she shifts. So, Ren sometimes goes nuts for not letting her take control so she can be with Yuzu. She needs a lot of patience.

Our pack is so busy today because tomorrow is the bloodmoon – the total lunar eclipse. And for us, the werewolves, it is so special. It's also got something to do with the name of our pack that I didn't ask dad about. Everyone will shift to their wolf form and there will be immense power coming to us and no one will dare to be near us during that time, as no one can control our wolves.

While I was working on some reports, I saw Yuzu enter my office with a mug.

“You're such a hard worker, Mei. Here... grab a coffee," she gave her signature smile. God.. I love her wide grin.

I smile seeing the coffee as she knows my exact taste and I saw her leaving back winking at me. "Did she give us a wink?" – It was Ren. Oh no.. She stirred up my wolf.

Ren said, “I wish to see how her wolf would be. I am certain that it would be so beautiful."

I watched the trees through my window whispering, "I want as well".

*To be continued*

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