Chapter 17!

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*Sorry,  I couldn't post yesterday. Here is.the next chapter*

Yuzu’s POV

I'm so excited today. The days have passed and today is our mating ceremony and I have not been permitted to see Mei till evening. What am I supposed to do if I can't see it? She always chills me out. But, now I feel like a crap without her. I wonder what Mei would be doing now. She's the next Alpha, so she'd be busy. Hold on, it's our mating ceremony that's also Mei's. So, she's not allowed to go outside.

I mind linked her, “Babe, what are you doing?”

She responded with a laugh, "It's only 2 hours away from me and you began to miss me?"

"Cheezzz... you never stop teasing me. I just wanted to know what my lovely girlfriend was doing." I was laughing. I also blushed that she couldn't see.

"I was thinking of you, my darling." What else am I going to do?" I heard her wolf groaning too.

I'm blushing too much now. I'm glad she won't be able to see me. “I am going to eat now. I am so hungry", I replied and went down to take something.

As I approached the kitchen, I sensed something familiar. This is from the old pack. Crap. Don't say she's here.

"There, there..." I heard the voice that made me shudder. I turned round to see Crena.

"See who's in there?" I never thought Rogues was so invited here," she squeezed my wrist and I screamed out of pain.

"Why are you here, Yuzu. You were not allowed here.”, She mocked me.

"It doesn't concern you, Crena. I don't belong in your pack anymore. So you can't give me orders." I pulled my hand off my wrist and started walking.

“I can Yuzu, because I would be Mei’s mate and I would be the one to control this pack”, she smirked and then she jumped on me and started punching me hard.  My wolf was trying to get the upper hand but I need to control like Mei's father told me not to show my wolf.

Suddenly, I heard a roar that made everyone tremble, myself included.

Mei’s POV:

The day seems to go slow without Yuzu close by. However, I need control until the night. No matter how hard it gets, I'll do it. I don't mean to ruin the ceremony.

After talking with Yuzu, I thought of taking a shower. I tore my clothes and went to the bathroom and let the cold water run down my body.

After I cleaned up, I changed. I started feeling hungry myself but I couldn't go down now that Yuzu would be there. So, I mind linked Himeko and asked her if she can bring me some food to my room for which she agreed.

In a few minutes, she was here.

“Mei, how are you doing?”, she asked with a smirk.

“I am just nervous about the ceremony Himeko. And also, all the things that happened recently... it makes me worry about my future with Yuzu," I tried to control my tears.

Himeko gave me a hug and told me: You are one of the strongest wolves, Mei and Yuzu love you so much. Nothing would happen to you both. I will support you and I will be there for the two of you, no matter what," she assured me.

As we were talking, I felt a pain in my chest and began to sweat.

"What happened, Mei. You suddenly began to look pale," she tried to call my name to calm me, but not useful.

Ren started taking control of me. She felt the pain and started screaming, “Our mate is being beaten”.

“What, who hits Yuzu.", I couldn't take it and tried to leave. Himeko tried to stop me as I wasn't allowed to see Yuzu and also at all the packs, Dad didn't say it was my mating ceremony. He just asked them to come and say that he has an important announcement. So nobody knows Yuzu's my mate except the members of our pack.

I moved Himeko and came out my door to watch Yuzu lying down and the girl Crena beat her.

That’s it. Ren groaned and started walking toward her. Everyone was afraid of seeing me in that state and Yuzu was also stunned.

*To be continued*

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