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Rue stopped her bike and said we're already there. She threw her bike into some bush and banged on Fezco's door.

A boy opens the door with a gun in hand and looked me up and down which I found very creppy.

"Yo, who the fuck is that bitch?!"

Another guy came to the door and smiled at me.
I'm assuming that's Fez now, but I have no idea who that guy with the gun is.

"Man, let her come in and don't scare her with your fucking gun"

I slowly walked in until Rue pushed me forward so I could walk normally and not be afraid.

Rue threw herself onto fezco's sofa and motioned for me to sit down.

"Rue who is the little one?"

"This is Ella Rolly, she is a very good friend for me:)"
She smiled briefly and fez called the other guy over there and he should introduce himself.

"Bro I just lost my game what the fuck do you want from me?!"

"Calm down man and introduce yourself!"
You could tell Fez was getting annoyed with the guy noticing he was talking to him in a louder tone.

"Ugh, I'm an ashtray."

"Nice to meet you Ashtray I'm Ella Rolly"
He gave me a who-want-to-know look. He looked me up and down until he said.

"I don't give a fuck you bitch"

He's very friendly!
Okay guys, it was a Joke!
Everyone sat in the living room and watched a TV show.
Everyone laughs except Ella...she's just acting like she's having fun but inside she was very hurt.
Ella takes everything seriously and Ash calling her a bitch and its hurt her as Fuck


"Yes fez?"

"Why did you actually move here?"

"Mhh no idea my mom just wanted that"
I said with a smile, but that disappeared again because it somehow wanted to embarrass me.

"Maybe because she didn't have any friends!

"Yo Ash shut your fucking mouth and don't talk shit! Don't be a cunt!"
Yelled Fez and walked away, he came back with coke and gave everyone a glass.

" Should we go to a party?"

"I don't think I should."
I said shortly, but Rue came up with a plan how we can get there without me getting in trouble.

"So we're going to say we're both sleeping at Maddy's-"

"Who is Maddy?"

"A friend, but back to the plan, my mom doesn't have her number, neither does yours so she can't ask for it"

"Wow that's a damn good plan!"
I smiled and hugged her.

We're driving together in Fezco's car.
Told me something about him and ash, fez said that ash can be nice sometimes but only if he wants to otherwise never.

He also likes to hurt people.
Ash is just a psychopath.

Half the way through, Rue sang along with every song and it was annoying, I don't mean that bad, but she was so loud I was deaf.

"Yoo,Can you tell her to shut the fuck up?!"

" Rue fr bruh you need to shut ihr mouth."

"Yes yes I'm sorry"
And then she was quiet again.

Fez parked and he said where he will be.
I don't usually drink alcohol, but this time I wanted to try it.
I quickly grabbed an entire bottle of vodka and dragged it into the bathroom.
So I sat down on a table and drank it.
It was gross, but I drink it anyway.

Suddenly I heard someone knocking loudly on the door.

"Is someone there?!"
the person asked quickly, banging the door lightly.

Ella got up quickly and opened the door.
A girl with long hair burst in and stopped at Ella.

"Wow you're really nice, are you new here?"

"um yeah but I've been living here for 3 weeks"

"Nice, I'm Maddy Perez :)"

"Oh I'm Ella Rolly"

"Nice name, but please let me piss because I'll piss myself."
I ran out of the bathroom and wanted to get a new bottle of vodka because now I like the taste.

"What a chick ;)"
wait was? Is someone talking to me?"
I turned around and saw a guy all over me.
Things like that bother me and I don't like it!

"ew go away you disgusting guy!"

,,Why? We could have a nice night that will be unforgettable ;)"
He winked at me, what doesn't he understand about my "go away"?!
That he was Drunk...
"I'll break your nose in a moment and it will be unforgettable!"
said a voice behind me.

I turned and saw Ash taking a bottle of alcohol.

"And you are who for them?!"

"No one but I know her and you should leave her alone now or I'll cut your throat you son of a bitch!"
Ash took out his pocket knife and walked slightly towards him.

"Yoo man chill okay I'm going"

"Thank you Ash"
He looked at me and walked away...wow

You Changed Me || ~AshtrayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang