20 - ARC 2.10(END OF ARC 2)

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Third P.O.V

(Y/N)'s death affected a lot of people.

Fans of the books cried once they realize some of their favorite book series will never be finished.

On the bright side, with (Y/N) dead, the TV series became one of the most watched television series in history. The cast and crew made some big money.

The world believed (Y/N) was killed by a robber, Angela knew otherwise.

Without being able to prove who's really responsible for (Y/N)'s murder, Angela became a detective and spent the rest of her life getting justice for people like (Y/N).

Kira was torn apart at (Y/N)'s death. It took her a few moments before she could even process what happened. Because the gun came from the system, there was no way to save (Y/N).

Thanks to the system, no one except Angela and Kira knew what happened.

Everyone just thought that Kira and Angela were lucky enough to not be killed by the robber.

Kira felt like her world was falling apart, until she found out about reincarnation.

Now set with a new goal, Kira tried everything she could to leave her world to go look for (Y/N), who she assumed reincarnated.

In the end, her soul split into a million pieces, and fragments fell into many different worlds.

"Once a fragment of my soul recognises you, there will be no escape (Y/N)."


("I've never died by bullet before. It wasn't as painful as I imagined.")

["The bullet killed you instantly. It was a mercy kill."]

(Y/N) frowned.

("What's my progress?")

["20% towards promotion. Are you ready for the next world host?"]


["Transferring soul...30%..40%..80%...

Transfer complete."]

Author's Note: I'm really excited for ARC 3!!! Who knows the wonders to come!

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