29 - ARC 3.9

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Third P.O.V

The night the crown prince's fiancée disappeared, the whole kingdom was in an uproar.

Everyone was wondering who would dare kidnap the future queen.

No matter how hard the prince searched, it wasn't until 1(0) year(s) passed that the prince found a lead.

"Did you hear? They found someone who helped kidnap the crown prince's fiancée."

(Y/N) discretely tried to listen in on the conversation.

"Yeah, wasn't it that one servant? The servant who served the future queen?"

"Apparently. The crown prince said that if the kidnappers don't bring back his fiancée, he'll kill the servant."

(Y/N) didn't waste another second, they ran out the door and headed straight to the palace.

A week ago (Y/N) turned 15(0), and could leave the world. However, the system hasn't finished loading.

The important matter was that Nathaniel is going to be executed for kidnapping, when (Y/N) ran away.

It looks like I'm going back to the palace.

Sneaking in was easy since (Y/N) took the secret passageway. Quietly going into the dark dungeon, (Y/N) searched for Nathaniel.

This place is for criminals, how could they put Nathaniel in here?

The dungeon suddenly became lighter.

"Welcome back my queen."

(Y/N) didn't have time to turn around before they were shoved into a cell.

(Y/N) soon realized Nathaniel was unconscious in the same cell, chained to the wall.

(Y/N) went to check on him, he was thankfully still alive.

(Y/N) stood up to face Jack.

"He didn't do anything, I ran away."

(Y/N) said. Jack grinned.

"I know. He was just the bait."

(Y/N) stiffened.

"What do you want?"

(Y/N) asks fiercely.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Jack leaned into the bars.

"I want you."

(Y/N) scowled.

"I don't want you."

Jack looked at (Y/N) with an amused expression.

"That's why I'm giving you a choice."

Jack held out a bowl of dark liquid.

"This is a bowl of fast-acting deadly poison, either you must drink it, or you must feed it to your servant. Whoever doesn't drink it will be free to go."

(Y/N) looks at Jack suspiciously.

"And if no one drinks it?"

(Y/N) asks as Jack hands them the bowl.

"Then you both die."

(Y/N) knew Jack killing them was bluff, but Nathaniel....

("How much progress on leaving the world?")

["Soul extraction 88% complete."]

(Y/N) saw that Nathaniel had regained consciousness and was waiting for (Y/N) to do something.

(Y/N) walked over to Nathaniel.

"Live on."

(Y/N) whispered before they drank the poison in one gulp. The poison quickly targeted (Y/N)'s heart.

["Soul extraction 100% complete."]

15(0) year old (Y/N) died from deadly poison.

Author's Note: I know updates have slowed down, but DO NOT PANIC! Life has been crazy, but I am still paying attention to this book. Anyway... (Y/N) HAS BIT THE DUST AGAIN!!!

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