chappie seventeen: it's complicated

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hi 🌚

It's funny how things can change in mere seconds. Those moments of you just living, doing what you had to do and then God uses his gigantic non visible finger to grant his supreme powers on your being to poke you in a whole entirely different direction. Sometimes those shifts can be for the better and cause a realization of something you've been thinking on occasion, but never really noticed you thought about it a lot until you have that realization.

How long has it been since Yona had been there?

She didn't check her phone for the time. It might've been rude to do and would look like she was anxious or in a hurry to leave and she didn't want Saiki to think his company was unpleasant—

Breathe— Yona sighed deeply.

The tension between Yona and Saiki was comfortable on the outside, but internally Yona was trying to prevent herself from screeching like a pterodactyl. Neither of them spoke and that was completely fine with Kusuo. He just sat still with one leg perched on top of the other and an arm draped on the armrest. It had been some time, minutes, since his parents had gone to get something that Yona had forgotten about. Her eyes trailed from her lap, to the walls, and back to her lap.

Though, in these moments, Yona began to think. Space out about her reoccurring confusing feelings towards Saiki. She would probably consider him a friend besides the few she had. If she had to admit, his barely there personality was both a mystery and complex. It had annoyed and attracted her. She didn't think it was romantic attraction, but made those traits made her like his company and want to be near him.

Too bad she had her own issues, insecurities, and other matters to keep her busy from a relationship. Besides, Yona didn't have a crush on Saiki. She didn't have a crush on anybody. And neither did Saiki, himself. It was clear he didn't bother with anything regarding romance. The only romance Saiki was involved in, were those who seeked it with him, like Teruhashi.

Nah, he doesn't like her. He isn't like that at all and I have nothing to worry about. Yona thought in relief. She smiled at the knowing her friend wasn't looking for a relationship or desperate. It'd be irritating to know that Saiki was another simp, wanting to be together with Teruhashi just because of her beauty. In fact, chasing anyone because of their looks was such a disgusting thing to do in Yona's eyes. Her heart was beating calmly knowing that Saiki wasn't the person to do that. He didn't cross boundaries either and minded his business—

Yona was overcome with a tingly sensation over her body and felt her heart beat a little more faster than she liked. She glanced at Saiki to see him looking straight at her with a questionable expression.


"I think I should be going soon." Yona sat up immediately.

Saiki, however, believed he had found something to prevent these ridiculous thoughts that the girl might have to keep her up all night. He didn't want to have to worry about another love rival for Teruhashi to try and compete with. It only left a problem for him to deal with.

"Wait—" he reached out to grasp her hand. Holding it in such a gentle manner, he looked at her with tender eyes and smiled, "-it's cold outside."

Boundaries are her main thing, if I don't want her attracted to me, I guess I have to play Toritsuka for a bit. Even if it means I won't have anyone to get coupons for coffee jelly. A sacrifice Saiki was willing to make.

"I'll be fine." As quick as their contact was, it ended. Yona took her hand back and held it in her other, raising a brow at the unusual behavior. "I'm not sure if you are though."

"And you're blushing." He got up to walk to the kitchen, leaving the girl to glare at the back of his head as he hid a smile.

"Alright, well I'll see you at school. Tell your mom I said thank you for her purchase and she'll receive a discount next time." Yona bowed, fed up with his actions.

"What about me?" Saiki dipped a spoon in the coffee jelly and chewed whilst staring at Yona. "I provided company and I am the son of your mother's customer, I didn't have to provide anything."

What a-, Yona took a deep breath.

"Thank you, Saiki." She approached the pink haired male and bowed. When she stood up, a warm smile was there on her lips.

Saiki placed his cup on the kitchen table before walking towards Yona. Her smile faltered when he wasn't that far from her. His face was serious as it always was, but his eyes weren't harsh or empty of feeling. They were calculating. Much like he was predicting something in his head. Yona gazed back with uncertainty and a bit of shyness, not being able to make any other move from her shock. She wasn't going to let herself be bothered by this, but everything about Saiki from his intimidating gaze to his indescribable charm made it impossible for her not to give a reaction. Looking right back at him, Yona somehow had a epiphany.

She knew she liked Saiki, but it was more than the crush. Saiki Kusuo wasn't an average person. He was a parasite that somehow made Yona like him and want to be around to enjoy desserts and watch this cute expressions. She wanted him to tease her in an annoying, but endearing way. She wanted him to be himself and not worry about expressing his feelings. To —

Without looking at her, Saiki slapped a hand on Yona's forehead without a second thought—"You look terrible, you must be sick." She was overthinking too much and it irritated him to have this girl think solely about him. He thought he was great, but having another person also think this might make him conceited.

Yona brushed his hand away with a smile. She was embarrassed too. This shift in her day wasn't planned and it was completely fine with her. She couldn't be sure about Saiki though. He probably preferred not to be bothered at all so her ruining it made it worth the embarrassment if it meant she was the one who got to see him first this time.

How irritating. Saiki rolled his eyes, glad to be able to control the heat from rushing to his cheeks.


Hello 👋 🌚

sooooo I had a whirl of events happen such as losing my wallet and falling out of a car, but I'm okey!! Anyways, I hope Yona's character isn't too out of order. She's the type to come out of her shell to those who actually make an effort to know her and without realizing, Saiki is doing just this. At first she wanted to run 🏃🏻‍♀️ but because she thought Saiki was possibly teasing her ... well y'know🌚🧎‍♀️

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