chappie nineteen: hopeful

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Miwa jumped happily in her cacoon, strapped against her aunt. She babbled before chewing on her index finger. The infant's round eyes took in every color of anything that passed her way.

Yona smiled down at the girl. She placed a palm gently down on her niece's head, caressing the infant. She continued walking at a slow pace around the park. Summer had set in and the weather was very warm so she brought along a floral umbrella that covered both her and Miwa in shade.

"You're so cute." Yona gushed, leaning down to kiss Miwa's head. In return, the infant's legs kicked out in glee.

Bokuto and his lovely wife, Mitsuki, were on a trip for the weekend so Yona took it upon herself to take care of her adorable niece. Plus, her brother bribed her with a promised dessert and pay, along with an extra gift from her brother's wife. Other than that, Miwa was a good baby. Sure, she cried for attention, but then again, Bokuto spoiled her with it endlessly.

Through their walk, Yona began to see more and more people around her. She tried to push down the anxiety creeping along her body, but it was easier said than done because of the people huddling around a bigger crowd.

Saiki eased her into thoughts. She wondered how he was able to go through with walking in a crowd at school and not be anxious or uncomfortable. Yona realized thinking about the pink haired male increased her heart beat and his teasing smile distracted her a bit.

"Baah!" Miwa pointed to a stage, then clapped. Yona followed her gaze to see a dressed up Lemon monster of some sort. She then recognized the familiar awe sounds of men and women. Yona instantly recognized the oh so lovely Teruhashi hugging the male next to her...Saiki, who wore a helmet and glasses.

She was unamused. Her stomach tightened at the sight. Yona fought the urge to roll her eyes at how this must've happened. Things always won in Teruhashi's favor. There wasn't anything she could do about it. Kokomi made her claim and though Yona has accepted her own feelings for the stoic pink haired Saiki, she didn't think he would like her back.

Actually, she knew he wasn't interested. Saiki never showed an interest in the blue haired girl no matter the attempts and it was something that held hope for Yona. Besides, Yona wasn't jealous of Teruhashi nor did she care to be a love rival. All it meant that Saiki didn't go for looks. Yona knew she didn't have the best personality, but if it was worth anything, she knew she cared a lot about Saiki.

A dark grin reached her lips, which is why she took out her phone and snapped a quick picture before disappearing from the crowd. That was until, Miwa screeched out loud, capturing the attention of many people. The infant clapped her hands and babbled endlessly as onlookers gushed about the adorable girl.

"Hey!" Yona could feel the embarrassment on her cheeks. She tried to escape, but her attempts failed. Her arms immediately wrapped around her niece as she bowed her head against the back of Miwa's. Yona's chest rose quickly as the panic set in. She felt stuck in her position.

"Save her, Cyberborg Ciderman II!"

"Yare, yare."

"Yeah! Let her up there too!" People cheered and in an instant, Yona was pushed into the front row before she was allowed onto the stage along with a perplexed Teruhashi and tired Saiki. A younger boy with green hair also joined in joy as he hugged Saiki's waist.

"My hero." Yona teased.

"Be glad you're not being shoved anymore." Saiki flicked her forehead.


Once the show was cleared, the three teens and younger children sat on a bench together.

"I didn't know you had a kid, Saiki." Yona teased once again. "Surprisingly, might I say."

"Neither did I, although you do fit the whole mother look." Saiki retorted. "Surprisingly." He turned his head to hide a smirk.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Yona bit her cheek, a fluttering tingle passed through her heart.

She was about to say something back, but was caught off guard by the small hand tugging on her long skirt. Her eyes fell on the cute boy with green hair and green eyes staring at her in wonder. He was clutching a flyer in his hands before hiding them behind his back.

"Are you Cyborg Ciderman II's girlfriend!" Yuuta beamed.

"Huh?" Yona sweat dropped while Teruhashi made a sound of dismay.

"Peach Tea girl is just his teammate, so you must be his girlfriend!" He beamed.

Never had Yona feel such embarrassment in one day. She choked on air, disturbed at the inappropriate statement with Teruhashi smiling a little too dangerously. She quickly brushed this off and looked towards another direction with a calm smile.

The boy got distracted by the sound of a bell. He saw an ice cream cart being pushed by an older woman. Yuuta beamed and went to Teruhashi, pulling on the girl's skirt. He practically dragged her to the cart with Teruhashi being compliant.

"Sorry for interrupting your date." Yona carefully moved Miwa, turning the young infant around so that she faced her.

"It wasn't a date. My mom made me go with her and I happened to be babysitting." Saiki explained. He didn't need to but Yona's overthinking was a pain and if he had to choose between dealing with that or relieving her of it, then so be it.

Would this be a date if he weren't babysitting? She wondered.

This possible jealousy had interested Saiki. For one, he knew she wouldn't try and fight for his affection like Teruhashi or Yumehara. He knew that she would fuss over deciding what to do, that's who Yona was. Sure, Yona could possibly be clingy or possessive, but it was because she cared so much.

"Cute." Yona whispered.

Catching his attention, Kusuo blanked at Yona, thinking she was teasing him again. One hand was cradling Miwa's head as the other was tucked under Miwa to hold her. The sleeping infant rested against Yona's chest. Yona herself rested her head against Miwa's with a fond smile on her face and he could see the genuine gleam of love in her eyes.

"Yeah." He didn't notice his lips moving.

Yona snapped up from adoring her niece to see Saiki looking away. She thought she heard him say something and tried to understand by asking him to repeat it, but dismissed it and smiled. Yona took this moment now that Teruhashi wasn't there to hopefully have a moment with her dear friend. Her stomach was fluttering with mixed emotions.

"I guess since Cyborg Ciderman II saved me, I owe him a favor." Yona reached into her pocket to pull out two tickets. She slid one over to Kusuo who returned his gaze on her. He took the ticket, reading it over once before his eyes widened.

"A free experience to try the new coffee jelly supreme!" He read. "How did you get this?"

"My brother's girlfriend doesn't eat much sweets so she gave them to me for babysitting." Yona chuckled at this enthusiastic side of him.

"Alright then, we'll go together." He tucked the ticket inside his pocket.

"It's a date." Yona smiled down at Miwa's head, mildly cringing at herself. Her embarrassed increased, but she didn't want to regret saying that. So what it wasn't really a date and Saiki only agreed because he liked sweets? She wanted to spend more time with Saiki no matter how much that hope of him feeling the same dwindled. Any time with him, getting to see more of him was what she cared about the most. Seeing him somewhere he wanted to be and would enjoy it was worth it.

"Cute." Kusuo turned his head away, thanking Miwa for screaming so suddenly to get Yona's attention away from him.


I apologize for the lag 😭

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