Central feeling

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3rd person POV:

As Gwen drove the RV across states, Peter was selling his hero photos and Ned was toying with Spidey's mask, adding a small camera and earpiece for Peter.

Gwen:... You seriously went to that slumber party.

Peter: Yeah it was awesome. Kicked their buts at monopoly, and saw the drama unfold.

Peter: It was like being in the middle of a soap opera.

Gwen:(rolls eyes)

Peter: Tch...

Gwen: What?

Peter: It's this Eddie Brock guy. He just posted another superhero photo.

Peter: And right after I gave them the Super and Power Girl picture.

Peter: He's like my photography rival or something.

Gwen: Pfft... Your photography rival?

Peter: Yeah... Ned, quick! What do you think could outdo this guy?

Ned: Uhhh... Super Girl dating a horse!

Gwen/Peter: What?!

Peter: That's a bit too paparazzi for my taste...

Gwen: Whoa, no! That's not the issue. Ned, why was your immediate thought of outdoing photo, the idea of a preteen with a horse!?

Ned: I don't! I was put on the spot!

Peter: Yeah... Ned kinda sucks at sudden ideas.

Ned: Yeah! Like one time, I was watching a scary movie when I wasn't supposed to and when my parents walked in, asking what I was doing...

Ned: I panicked and said Porn.

Gwen: Bwahaha!

Ned: It's not funny!

Gwen: It's funny enough that I'll forget about the horse thing. But you gotta work on your on-the-spot reactions.

Peter: You kinda do...

Ned: W-Well... You have to work on your falsetto!

Looking out the window, Peter saw a sign saying welcome to Central City.

Peter: Hmmm...

(Opening theme)

Central City, the home of the Scarlet Speedster and the next stop for Spidey and his neat friends.

Of course, the first thing they went to see was the flash museum, a building dedicated to the heroes who have taken the title of The Flash.

Ned: Oh, I love the Flash.

Peter: You love, every hero.

Ned: Yeah... Including the Flash.

Gwen: Pete, you just got paid, right?

Peter: Yeah, why- Ah, okay, I get it.

Paying for the tickets, Peter and his friends enter the museum. Taking the tour of the Flash museum.

There they learned about the first metal helmet wearing Flash, the second iconic Flash, the sidekicks, the villains, and everything in between.

Peter:(looks at a statue of Impulse)

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