chapter 11

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y/n pov

who is she talking about?

"do you have any plans of when and if you get caught though?" the other guy said

"meh, he doesn't really bother to even try to know, just hands me the money" sung hee said

"but you would need to tell him at some point righttt?"

"no, so you know that annoying y/n, she's always after me and he also told me how there's his whole company shit which forces him to marry her?"

"what about it?"

"so he's been planning how once he graduates and all he'll get a job so he would get out of his family and he's been saying 'we' would then live in peace and crap, but im just gonna ditch him because he wont be of any use if he leaves his rich parents" she scoffed

"thats my smart girl!" the other man cheered

so wait.. she's not just cheating on him but also using him for money? this little whore. hyunjin is planning on leaving his family and everything for HER and this is what she would do to him?? ugh i should've known.

i should probably tell hyunjin.
i quickly ran off to school then


while i was looking for hyunjin in the school seungmin came up to me

"y/n? you okay?"

"have you seen hyunjin??"

"no, and i dont plan on doing so either."

"please help me look for him!"

"y/n i- are you kidding me?"

"look i will explain later, just help me right now please"

"if he matters so much then have fun with him" then he walked away

"seungmin wai-"

ugh dammit! ill get to him later i need to find hyunjin quickly

after looking for a bit I found him near the lockers, he was putting some stuff away in it

"hyunjin!" i yelled

he followed my voice and looked back, he immediately pulled a eye roll as soon as he saw it was me, i walked up to him

"i have something very important to tell you please wait and listen"

"no im not free today"

"its not that, its actually important so hear me out!"


i grabbed his wrist and dragged him, he quickly pulled away

"i said i dont wanna-"


a crowd gathered due to my scream, i was definitely not positively popular but i was, and hyunjin was aswell


"i saw her with another guy in a cafe today, trust me she's only using you for money!"

"this is too much y/n, shut up"

despair - h.hyunjin ★Where stories live. Discover now