chapter 30

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no ones pov

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" his dad yelled at him, hyunjin stood there with his head tilted, his mom looked at him with pitiful eyes

"do you realize the damage you've done to our company? how are you going to make up for this? you're already enough of a nuisance for me, stop making it worse already you bastard!" he yelled at him again, this time hyunjin flinched a bit, but continued looking down with tears in his eyes.

"if I'm such a nuisance why did you even have me." he said under his breath.

"what did you just say??" his dad asked furiously and slapped him even harder this time

"atleast be respectful! all this luxury you have is all because of me, you should be thankful to me for even breathing"

"then why don't you just kill me?" he said in a low broken voice, and slowly looked up as tears started rolling down his cheeks

"what?" his dad asked

"god dammit! why don't you just kill me already?? just kill me like you killed-" he stopped in his words then and there, more and more tears formed in his eyes

"how dare you raise your voice. you have no respect do you??" his dad raised his hand as he was about to hit hyunjin again, but his mom stopped him. "stop it, please! he's just a kid!!" his mom said as she held his father's hand to avoid hyunjin getting hurt more

"right. just a kid. make sure he doesn't get any financial support from us now. he'll understand the worth of money when he actually works hard for it" his dad stated as he glared at hyunjin standing there, his legs and arms were shivering.

hyunjin had been abused by his dad for a long time, he's never for once in his life felt the warmth of family, except for his grandma who he still misses to this day. he remembers the songs she would sing him, and the stories she had told him. he remembers everything about her. but his parents? they were like bare strangers to him. and he was sick of living with the coldness within them and his so called 'home'

"hyunjin go to your room" his mom stated, he didn't say anything else and started walking to his room while wiping his tears.

"if he spends any money he's going to live in the streets" his dad said coldly as he heard hyunjin slam the door of his room shut.

his mom nodded, and went to the kitchen after his dad left.

a few minutes later, she quietly knocked on hyunjin's door with a meal in her other hand.

but he didn't open the door, she knocked again.

"hyunjin? honey please open the door.." she said slowly as she stood there waiting for him to open up, which he didn't.

she gulped and tried for the last time, "sweetie.." as she heard hyunjin unlock the knob of his door, but he still didnt open it. she secretly went in and saw him lying on his bed under the blankets

she sighed as she closed the door and sat next to him on the floor.

she kept the food on the little side table beside his bed

"I'm sorry.. i know you hate me but please eat this" she said as she tried to make sure her voice wasn't breaking.

then she took out a thick envelope from her pocket, that she had secretly carried to his room

"here have this, it should be enough for you to spend for a week. let me know if you need more, and make sure your dad doesn't find out about it okay?" she said as she kept the envelope full of money under his pillow and rubbed his shoulder

despair - h.hyunjin ★Where stories live. Discover now