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ellie grazer
#. 004

𝗞𝗡𝗢𝗖𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 broke the swoon neon trees bedazzled air and the gentle hums from Alina's plump lips had without warningly, stopped. The fiddling with her earring back had halted, as well as her vision, that casted over to the front door and then to me.

"I think that's, Ty. Do you mind getting it? I've just got a few more things to do." She asked me in her sweet voice that put a blanket over my brain.

The question itself almost terrified me. In fact it did terrify me. I didn't really feel appeased to the idea of opening the door to her boyfriend. There was something about the idea that I hated. Maybe it was him, I don't know. Or maybe it was the fact that she would be with him. Maybe if I just pretended he wasn't there, he'd leave. Ah, stupid.

Maybe it wasn't even him at all that I was concerned about. It was more than likely my social anxiety that was the cause to my sudden urge to hide away. And I was just trying to make up an excuse for it. I didn't like talking to people or meeting others. It made me sweat and made me overthink about every little action I did to ensure that they liked me and that I had a good first impression. Oh it was stupid really. But I was sweating. And I did not want to greet the person behind that door.

"Yeah, sure." The polite smile floated upon my lips within seconds at her request and I found myself dropping my book, sliding out of bed and walking to the door, despite my head wanting nothing to do with it.

I felt the carpet beneath my feet almost halt me where I was as I almost shuddered in my skin and nonsensically wiped my unnecessarily clammy hands onto my sweat pants and oversized shirt that dusted over the tops of my thighs. It happened within two seconds but it felt like an eternity as within the amount of time it took me to walk to the door and wipe my hands, the door had opened and I was faced with the so called, 'Tyler'.

My anxiety hadn't reached it's peak as it was likely stopped by his lopsided smirk and door way lean that had been quickly wiped away by his frantic pupils meeting mine. A funny looking expression brushed upon his once shocked cheeks as he obviously scowled and took a peep at what I was wearing and who I was, more specifically.

"She's just getting ready." I told him, trying to ignore my pungent sense of rolling my eyes and slamming the door in his face. This only made me not like him even more. At least I had a concern for first impressions, this guy clearly just didn't care at all and there was no doubt in my mind that the fact that I thought he was a judgy, shitty kisser asshole, played absolutely no effect on his painfully high ego. Douchebag.

"Hey babe, I'll be done in like five minutes." I heard Alina call over to us, where I now watched as his eyes completely disregarded mine and his stupid smirk returned.

I felt the side of me get pushed and found myself not even trying to hide my grimace as I got a whiff of his pervasive aftershave that hindered in my nose. The biohazard smell made me want to take a two hour long shower and I had to abolish my urge to roll my eyes as I thought about how long the room would smell like the coverup for his body odour. Gross.

I let the door click shut as I made my exit back to my bed and practically forced myself to submerge back into my book and ignore his compliments and remarks to Alina that made me force to fight away my urges to glare.

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