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ellie grazer
#. 007

"𝗢𝗛 𝗠𝗬 𝗚𝗢𝗗, finally." An exasperated sigh protruded from Alina's lips as I watched her collapse onto her freshly replaced sheets, out of exhaustion.

We had been bringing in and unpacking boxes for the last couple hours and by the time it had hit three o'clock, the room had finally began to look like home. Even with double help, it had taken hours and it only took about an hour in for Alina to to question if she had brought too much stuff.

"What time is it?" She lifted her phone up and I watched her eyes go wide as she read the numbers across her lock screen. "We've literally been unpacking boxes for four hours."

"Have we actually?" I asked in a small tone while wandering over to her bed. I sat down on the edge and looked back at Alina, who was just giving me a puzzled look. "What?"

"Lay down with me." She spoke through a laugh as she patted the space next to her.

My bones stiffened and I felt my limbs practically freeze as I looked at her with parted lips. I felt my heart beating in a quickened pace and it was almost as if I was glued to one spot. I knew what she had asked of me and I knew what she had said. And every part of me was crumbling in the light of her words.

She jokily rolled her eyes, probably annoyed by my movements, the lack there of I should say. I felt her soft skin cover my arm in her gentle grip, that I begged to constantly feel. It was a light pressure but enough of an amount to tug me down next to her.

I shuffled slightly to get comfortable and find a position that wasn't awkward and it only took me a few seconds to be laying down with her where we were both on our backs. I crossed my hands over my stomach and was rubbing my knuckles with my slightly sweaty fingers. I could feel the panic in my veins and the jump in my heart that I was shocked Alina didn't see.

Nothing was even happening and I just felt so nervous. Being so close to her just sent electricity to my cheeks. It wasn't anything to flaunt. What we were doing was everything that friends did. Yet, my heart was racing. I didn't know why. I just wanted to be in this position for awhile. Just next to her for however long it may be. I didn't mind forever.

"You think we did a good job?" I asked while trying to conceal the shake in my tone.

I felt her eyes hinder on me while hearing the movement of her sheets as I could see her turn her head towards me. I swallowed the clump in my throat as I turned to face her as well. Being so close, I could make out the very light freckles that dusted across her cheeks and nose. I couldn't help but study the natural lines in her skin and tiny indents in her cheeks every time she smiled.

"Yeah." Her teeth glistened at me and I watched her eyes meet mine before they unexpectedly looked away. "We did amazing." Her cheer felt authentic as she lifted her head a little and took a glance around the room. "Look at this place."

I followed her own actions and looked around myself. All of our stuff seemed to fill the room well without looking over crowded or tacky. There was a clear difference in decoration styles as her side was a lot more simple with a cork board of polaroids with friends rather than mine with posters and tapestries. Alina didn't seem bothered though. She hadn't been negative about our clear differences at all actually and it made me melt over her even more.

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