Chapter 2: Carter

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 The break always sucks. I doubt Dimitri and Landon have to deal with being holed up at their parents' restaurant for forty hours a week, just to deal with sixty year old diner-goers and groups of twelve year old girls that collapse in a fit of giggles anytime you ask if they want more water. Ten miles is all that's stopping me from becoming a day student and taking on the burden of weekend shifts at Dave and Lisa's Diner. Ten blissful miles.

As soon as Fairridge Prep announces the first return day, I'm dialling Landon's number and we're taking the first train back. I don't bother to tell mom and dad that I actually have a whole week before I'm forced to roam the halls of Fairridge Prep again. They'd only take it as an insult. It's not as if I don't like being back at home. Sure, it's a pain in the ass to wait tables for eight hours everyday, but there are redeeming qualities about life at home. Conner grows up fast when I'm gone at FP, so actually seeing him is the only definitive proof I have that he's not the three year old that likes to kick people in their shins, anymore. That kid's a piece of work, but he has to live with the name Conner Conners for the rest of his life, so I cut him some slack.

I never bother hiding my excitement when returning to FP. What's not to like? They give you free meals anytime of the day, you get to live with your best friends, and–


I don't need to see her face before I know who it is. I turn around, and I'm not surprised to see Sadie standing before me, her two friends hot on her heels. Ah, Sadie, a true pain in my ass if I've ever seen one. She looks different from when I last saw her. Her long dirty blonde hair, now, has streaks of rose gold in it, she's added a few new piercings filled with gold jewelry in her ears, and her usual jeans have been replaced with... nothing. She's wearing this pale pink sweater dress that stops mid-way down her thighs. I will myself to stop staring. Her eyes are the same, though: a soft hazel that shifts between green, brown, and gold, depending on the lighting. Now, they're gold.

"Jones," I smile. "What brings you here on this fine evening? Come to wish me luck as we embark on the last two months of the second semester?"

Her lips twitch into a cunning smile, "I don't think I need to wish you luck, Conners. You seem to be doing just fine on your own." That's the thing about Sadie, she never hides her disgust at our long-standing academic rivalry.

"Right you are," I reply, just as Dimitri and Landon come to stand behind me, clapping me on the shoulder.

"Hi, Angie," Dimitri awkwardly waves, and I try to stifle my laugh as they begin blushing profusely.

A quiet "hey" is all she offers as a reply.

Anastasia and Landon are deadpanning each other until Anastasia says, "Well we are going to go. Later boys." I hear Landon let out an annoyed breath. I don't even know what happened between them.

Landon and Dimitri begin retreating to the boys' dorms while Anastasia and Angie keep bumping into each other as they scramble toward the dining hall. Sadie rolls her eyes, looking at them before she turns back to me. "Later, Conners," she says, and, before I can reply, she walks over to me and places her lips up to my ear. "And good luck."

I watch as she walks over to her friends, who stare at her with wide eyes. I turn to catch up with Landon and Dimitri. God, this girl.

"She's trouble" is the first thing Landon says when we walk into our dorm in Clarence House. Everyone has house spirt, so it's sounds like I'm bluffing when I say Clarence House is the best house, but I'm not. It's the biggest house on campus, with five floors, each with ten dorms. We're on the third floor, which is dedicated only to juniors. Our house is all-boys, but campus has one all-gendered house. They probably think they have the best house because their's is right beside the dining hall, but, still, I beg to differ.

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