Chapter 31: Sadie

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"Hauling your drunk-asses back to the hotel is not how I envisioned ending this night out," Carter says, shooting Gracie and Felix dirty looks as he drags them down the sidewalk by their forearms.

They just giggle together as a response.

The first time I saw Maddie drunk, she was flopped over the armrest of our worn-out living room couch, giggling into the couch cushions. Nobody else was in the room, so I didn't know what she could possibly be giggling at. She just looked really... happy. And I thought that she really was. So much so that I couldn't even imagine that alcohol could be a factor; I thought she was just naturally content. And for a split second–before I saw the bottle of rum on the ground–I was really happy too. Because if Maddie was happy then I had no reason not to be.

"It's not like you're completely sober," I tell him.

"Compared to them, I basically am."

And that's true. After downing half a glass of vodka, Carter refused every glass that came with Felix's constant steam of alcohol. He spent the entire night dancing with me, his hands travelling up and down my body as I danced around him. It was electrifying. The heat of both of our bodies sent sparks up my skin, like little bursts of fireworks. I wanted him to touch me, to be near me. And that is fucking terrifying. Sure, I've always thought that Carter is attractive–objectively so. And, sure, his personality has some redeeming qualities. But actually liking Carter Conners, and not just tolerating him, is something that I've spent this entire trip denying. But now it's getting really fucking hard.

"The taxi is literally right there," Carter says, pointing to a car parked at the curb in front of us. "Just stay upright for one more minute."

"We are!" Gracie protests.

"You're going to knock Jones off the sidewalk," Carter says, rolling his eyes.

When we reach the taxi, Carter pushes Gracie and Felix into the backseat after lifting a hand in acknowledgement to the driver. I stand beside the passenger side door, letting him know that he can join Felix and Gracie in the backseat. If I'm being honest, I just don't want to risk the chance of one of them throwing up on me.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take the front seat?" Carter asks.

"Why? Planning on spending the entire ride chatting up the driver?" The driver in question is a gorgeous girl with glossy lips and black hair, who looks like she just graduated college.

Carter opens the car door for me. "Jealous, Jones?"

"Just making an educated assumption."

He raises an eyebrow. "That I would rather talk to her than to you?"

I'm glad that it's dark enough outside to hide my blush. What is happening to me? "I think you'd rather talk to anyone else instead of me."

"You know, this might be one of the few times in your life that you are absolutely incorrect."

Gracie's head appears around the headrest of the passenger seat. "If you guys are done discussing how gorgeous my cousin is, feel free to get your asses in the car so we can go back to the hotel."

"Your cousin?" Carter and I both ask at the same time.

"We asked you to call a taxi," I say.

"Yeah, but what's the point in paying for a taxi when we have a free ride right here."

The driver–Gracie's cousin–turns around to face us. "Hi, I'm Naomi. I live a few towns over, but my girlfriend and I are apartment shopping here, so Gracie called me to see if I could pick you guys up." Then she turns toward Gracie, "But she seems to have left out the part about her being plastered."

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