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Deciding to get some rest whilst they could, everyone (except Katniss, who had offered to keep watch) made themselves comfortable and attempted to sleep.

Not that long later, Finnick was asleep in Jessica's arms, his arms wrapped around her waist as she wrapped hers around his torso. Soft, quiet whispers of Jessica's name would escape his mouth during his certainly nightmare filled sleep. Jessica combed one hand through his hair soothingly, gently playing with the long strands of blonde; it seemed to bring him some comfort. Finnick's grip absentmindedly tightened around her waist as he clung to her like his life depended on it.

Beetee stated that he had a plan. "Where do the Careers feel safest? The jungle?"

"The jungle's a nightmare," stated Johanna.

"Probably here on the beach," Peeta added.

"Then why are they not here?" Beetee asked.

"Because we are," Jessica contributed.

"We claimed it," Johanna adds smugly.

"And if we left, they would come," Beetee further explained.

"Or stay hidden in the tree line," Peeta thought out loud.

"Which in just over four hours will be soaked with water from the 10:00 wave. And what happens at midnight?" It felt like Beetee was teaching them in a school classroom asking them all these questions, but they understood that he was helping them understand his plan.

"Lighting strikes that tree," Katniss speaks for this first time.

"Here's what I propose. We leave the beach at dusk. We head to the lighting tree. That should draw them back to the beach. Prior to midnight we then run this wire from the tree to the water. Anyone in the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted." Beetee explained his master plan.

"How do we know the wire's not gonna burn up?" Johanna inquires.

"Because I invented it," Beetee replied calmly and confidently, "I assure you, it won't burn up."

He was holding on to the wire, looking at it. Jessica wondered if he had some kind of weird bond with this wire. He did seem very attached. Or, maybe she was dehydrated and her thoughts were becoming slightly delusional.

There's a moment of silence as they think the plan over, processing the information.

"Well, it's better than hunting them down," Johanna says uncharacteristically calmly.

"If Beetee thinks it can work, I trust it," Jessica agrees.

"Yeah, why not?" Katniss speaks. "If it fails, no harm done anyway, right?"

"Alright, I say we try it," Peeta agrees.

"So what can we do to help?" Finnick asks Beetee.

"Keep me alive for the next six hours. That would be extremely helpful."

AN: kinda just a filler chapter, it'll get more interesting soon lol.

Puzzle Pieces • Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now