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Sooner than hoped, peacekeepers had entered her cell and forcefully dragged her up off the floor and out of the room. On her way out, she sent Annie, who was a shaking mess, a soft smile hoping to bring her friend some comfort. She saw the bald head of Johanna, giving her the same smile. She did the same to Peeta before the door closed behind her. As soon as the door closed, she let the weak smile fall as a numb feeling washed over her face.

She was taken into a room with a table and two chairs. She was cuffed to the table before the peacekeepers left. After a few seconds of torturous silence, the door opens and Snow enters, followed by a peacekeeper who stood by the door for protection.

His voice sent shivers down her spine, "Miss Miller. It's a pleasure to see you again."

She'd take the tauntingly torturous silence any day over this.

"Wish I could say the same," she kept up her strong, sarcastic front. It was a coping mechanism for her so it was easy to turn on and off.

"It's no surprise you aren't thrilled to see me so I'll skip to the chase. Tell me what you know about the revellion," Snow demands.

"Rebellion, what rebellion? This is new news to me," she says, sarcasm dripping from her words like venom. If only words could kill.

He laughs. The sound makes her sick to her stomach, sending a chill down her spine, "I've always been very fond of you, you know. Your humour has always made me laugh however, this is not the time or the place. Your strong. I'm going to enjoy breaking you."

She doesn't reply, she doesn't need to. Nothing she says will help her so instead, she just sent him a blank look, all fear hidden so that only the few who knew her well enough would be able to tell. By the look in his eyes, he was irritated by her lack of response. He motioned for the peacekeepers so take her as he left the room.

Two peacekeepers approached, harshly grabbing a wrist each as a third person unlocked the cuffs, their hold would certainly leave a red mark on each wrist. They took her into another room, it was the same plain white design but it had a single chair in the centre, a large chair with both arm and leg restraints.

They led her over, forced her down into the chair, though she didn't try fight it anyway, and tied her down.

Her first torture session. If only she had a camera to remember this joyous day, she thought to herself. She'd often do that. Have a sarcastic conversation with herself when in pain, it often helped her zone out on the pain when she focussed on her humour. Some may say her humour can be insensitive, but its her way of coping.


Meanwhile, whilst Jessica was being brutally beaten half to death physically, Finnick was mentally beating himself up over the guilt he was feeling. He always had his rope on him and, unless he was trying to sleep, he was pretty much always tying and untying knots in it. Sometimes he'd mess with it long enough to make his fingers bleed on purpose as punishment for not protecting her.

AN: poor sarcastic Jessica and sad Finnick.

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